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HOW MUCH!!!!!!
viatron - 18/11/05 at 07:11 PM


oliwb - 18/11/05 at 07:18 PM

oh my god...they must be joking (or just not have a clue!) Oli.

welderman - 18/11/05 at 07:31 PM

I have some drive shafts, maybe sell them for £100.00

Chris_R - 18/11/05 at 07:35 PM

The bidding's at £600 with an £800 buy it now price.

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Guinness - 18/11/05 at 08:32 PM

Check out his other items, that's going to blow your £250 right out the window!

Ben_Copeland - 18/11/05 at 09:02 PM

It's off a westfield, so he's bound to have paid twice what it's worth in the first place

JoelP - 18/11/05 at 09:17 PM

someone should tell him its worth £100 tops, even reconditioned...

Peteff - 18/11/05 at 09:17 PM

Not quite, that's his start price. Nobody's bid on it yet. I hope his BIN price includes delivery and fitting .

ReMan - 18/11/05 at 09:40 PM

Obviously trying to claw some cash back to cover his shiney new seats
Either that or a front wheel drive conversion as he's selling 2 rear diffs out of megablade

Danozeman - 18/11/05 at 10:04 PM

That blokes a nutter. The only reasonable thing he has is the harnesses.

Chippy - 18/11/05 at 11:15 PM

I see he's not advertising the chassis, bet all this lot is from an insurance wright off. By the look of the prices the insurance company never paid him out.

Humbug - 19/11/05 at 11:26 AM

Quelle surprise! 9th day of a 10 day listing and no bids

viatron - 23/11/05 at 09:27 AM

Emailed hime and asked if the price was a typo and should have read £60...his reply...

being as they are retailing at £ 1,200.00 everywhere else I find it very unlikely. If you do find any for £ 60 that arnt worn and useless with lsd I will be happy to pay you more.

GULP!! am i so out of touch?


flak monkey - 23/11/05 at 09:34 AM

Suggest he looks here; £142 and reconditioned...


Syd Bridge - 23/11/05 at 09:52 AM

They cost that much new, retail, from Ford. If you can still get them.