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130117048384 EBAY
thunderace - 1/6/07 at 09:34 PM

bigest add i have seen on ebay so far i think its a book not an add lol

davrus - 1/6/07 at 09:51 PM

I was always told that drugs dont work, they obviously do for that dude. I did not reed it all as i god bored after a couple of lines.
What ever is it with some people.

Nevermind, at least we are all sain (I THINK)

stevec - 1/6/07 at 09:57 PM


stone the crows

24vseven - 1/6/07 at 10:18 PM

is it ebay or eblog lol

DavidM - 1/6/07 at 10:54 PM

That's brilliant. Had me in tears of laughter.


Macbeast - 2/6/07 at 04:04 AM

I started reading this but his line of

But that didn’t work either because by the

text was twice the width of my screen

time I got to the top of the right-hand page

So first I tried scrolling from side to side but that

I had forgotten what was on the left.

got tiresome so then I tried reading all the

(being old) and of limited attention span

right-hand side and then all the left.

(It'll happen to you too)

So I went and had a cup of cocoa instead.

[Edited on 2/6/07 by Macbeast]

novacaine - 2/6/07 at 08:49 AM

Originally posted by that guy on eBay
My wife is not happy as the competition is somewhat a flop and it was her idea, as we know females do not like to be proved wrong. When my wife is not happy no one in the vicinity is. She exudes this, what I will politely say is an aura of suppressed rage. It manifests itself in many ways from the noisy slamming of doors, enough to loosen the surrounding brickwork. To a quiet chameleon like change of colour from her normal pale, slightly green shade to a deep purple as the blood rushes, or tries to as it has a long way to go, around her body until as with an over pressurized boiler, rivets start to pop and steam escapes from every orifice. (The rivets in my beloved’s case are the ones that hold her corset together).The steam though is real, super heated lances of pure energy. Moreover, I do mean every orifice.

what? lmao

[Edited on 2/6/07 by novacaine]

Catpuss - 2/6/07 at 09:29 AM

I guess he/she is trying to be whacky so that loads of people post the aution on thier local forums/radio stations in the hope of free avertisement to boost the final price

JoelP - 2/6/07 at 11:12 AM

its not bad in terms of descriptive or amusing writing, just a triffle wacky.