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Stupid woman pulled out on me
andyharding - 11/6/07 at 05:31 PM

I was on my way to Manchester today in the toy car heading along the A556 from the M6 to the M56.

Nothing in front of me, in the left lane and doing about 70MPH.

A new Beetle joined the dual carriageway from the right hand side through a gap in the barrier and pulled away in the right lane.

No problem thinks me, I'll just stay where I am and pass on the left.

I'm about 25M from the car and it starts to move across the lanes without warning. I sound the horn and the driver breaks and stays smack bang 1/2 way in both lanes leaving not enough room either side to pass.

Locked the wheels up and smashed up the kerb with my left wheel and into her bumper with my right. The stupid cow just waves and drives off!

Amazingly I just have kerb damage to my left wheel/tyre. The right hit square on and apart from burning a good mark into her bumper is undamaged.

God only knows what the result would have been if I'd been in the tintop that wouldn't stop as quick.

Was too shitted up to get her reg

[Edited on 11/6/07 by andyharding]

[Edited on 11/6/07 by andyharding]

[Edited on 11/6/07 by andyharding]

twybrow - 11/6/07 at 05:33 PM

Ahhh, the classic lady wave... you gotta love it. Such a universal expression of ineptitude.

westf27 - 11/6/07 at 05:59 PM

got a picture then i love broken grp

zxrlocost - 11/6/07 at 06:10 PM

women atre such shite drivers and yet insurers reckon there not

they grip the wheel like theres no tomorrow and thats just if youve flashed them to come through if its your right of way

youve got no chance of them loosing the wheel doing 15mph just to wave to say thanks

millenniumtree - 11/6/07 at 06:53 PM

My wife is a better driver than me.
I would be terrified to drive in London, but she does it with ease. Some knob once pulled out in front of us without warning - she slammed on the ABS and zipped around him without hesitation.
I'm still impressed.
Certainly not ALL women are bad drivers.

High school girls + Cellphones = SCARY
I see a lot more cell-impaired girls on the road than guys, or at least they appear more impaired.

I'm surprised that non-hands-free are not banned yet here.

jos - 11/6/07 at 07:16 PM

glad to hear youre okay andy

hope the beast back on the road asap

andyharding - 11/6/07 at 07:26 PM

Thanks guys.

I need to jack the car up to check the chassis isn't bent but apart from the left wheel/tyre I think it's ok.

The wheel has about a 3" scrape on it. The tyre doesn't look damaged but I think I'll get my local tyre place to check it over cause it must have taken a fair bump going up a kerb locked.

Can't decide if I should get a new rim cause the others are perfect or keep it as a battle scar

Paul TigerB6 - 11/6/07 at 07:32 PM

Sounds like a lucky one - despite the damage!!
Have you considered reporting it to the police anyway despite not having the Reg number?? Failing to stop after an accident is an offence and chances are she lives close by seeing as most women never drive more than 3 miles!! Guess a new beetle may be rare enough for the cops to track it if they know the colour

andyharding - 11/6/07 at 07:37 PM

Just a waste of my both mine and the police's time. Even if they did catch her it's my word against hers.

I've learnt that for petty crimes the police just waste a load of your time taking a statement and then can't/won't do anything.

JoelP - 11/6/07 at 07:47 PM

true, im afraid. If she was at all a competent liar then she would just say you attempted a nearside pass on her, and deny having just joined the carrigeway.

However, most people are crap liars, theres every chance she would stick herself in if questioned!

Good luck fixing it anyway, hope its nowt serious.

I once nearly plowed some idiot that did an emergency stop in the 'fast' lane just because they wanted to pull over. I squeezed past them at at least 50mph bouncing over the kerb beside the central reservation, since there was no chance of stopping. Wouldve been my fault by law but hell, it would've hurt them a lot more!

RichardK - 11/6/07 at 08:36 PM

Glad you're ok fella, Just got to find a pot hole to drive into to get the new wheel off the council! I am joking btw or am I!



That reminds me must find a new avatar, bored with nuns, suggestions on a postcard!

[Edited on 11/6/07 by RichardK]

jollygreengiant - 11/6/07 at 09:26 PM

Originally posted by Paul TigerB6
Guess a new beetle may be rare enough for the cops to track it if they know the colour

NO chance there matey. The old Bill couldn't trace a 2 year old maserati, how few must there be of them compared to a VW beetle. And the driver of the maserati (even had a photo of it) was wanted with regard to Assault!

iank - 12/6/07 at 12:31 PM

Glad you are safe.

I'd be paranoid about cracks in the wishbones, even if the chassis is ok.

Are they powdercoated? If they are I'd consider replacing them as they can start to crack under the coating where you can't see it. If not then I'd inspect them carefully every few hundred miles for a while.

David Jenkins - 12/6/07 at 01:35 PM

Originally posted by iank
I'd be paranoid about cracks in the wishbones, even if the chassis is ok.

Are they powdercoated? If they are I'd consider replacing them as they can start to crack under the coating where you can't see it. If not then I'd inspect them carefully every few hundred miles for a while.

If they were my wishbones I'd strip off the powder-coating and just thinly paint them, to make it easier to watch for cracks. Apparently amateur racers (e.g. 750 Club) recommend grey paint, 'cos it's easier to see cracks.

If they're OK in a while then they can be painted the right colour, or powder-coated again.

Still cheaper than new bones, not to mention all the setting up that would be required!
