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davrus - 18/7/07 at 08:43 PM

Hi ya

looking to get a new pair of bins. at the mo i have 10x50 zoom which is not quite good enough. what spac would i need to see further away objects more closer.
Does that make sense?

are 50x50 better?

What do th 50x50 mean


[Edited on 18-7-07 by davrus]

[Edited on 18-7-07 by davrus]

big_wasa - 18/7/07 at 08:59 PM

10 is the magnification and 50 is the dia of the objective lense.

The bigger the lense then in theory, the more light they will let in and the brighter the view will be.

I used to work for a twitcher

[Edited on 18/7/07 by big_wasa]

Peteff - 18/7/07 at 09:00 PM

If you go more than 10x50 you will need a tripod to hold them still enough to be useful. This site explains the principle and it depends what you want to use them for, biggest is not always best.

BenB - 18/7/07 at 09:08 PM

Above 10x a monopod will at the least be needed. And I wouldn't advise getting high power zoom binoculars. They sound impressive but the amount of light entering them @ 20-30x is minimal and the shaking will be terrible....
You need a fairly big objective lens as you get bigger, therefore they get heavier and tripods become more important.
Personally above anything above my 10X50s I go for my scope (on a tripod).

Bob C - 18/7/07 at 10:05 PM

zoom bins seem to have a lousy field of view. As do any of the high mag ones - put simply, whatever you decide you want to look at more closely will be hard to find when looking through em - if it's in the sky that will be impossible!!!
I know a zillion replies will say "horlicks" but I now use some £6.99 10x40s I got from Aldi special offer - they really are as good as anything else I've looked through! I leave 'em in the car all the time.