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davrus - 9/7/07 at 10:19 PM

I currently have a twin choke webber carb , will a set of 40dcoe carbs make much differance?


graememk - 9/7/07 at 10:29 PM

bike tb and megasquirt

BenB - 10/7/07 at 12:16 AM

Going from a small set of 60s technology carbs to a larger set of 60s technology carbs will allow greater air flow but without an engine able to utilise them it could makes things worse (by not creating enough suck to get those crazy carb things working properly).....

Go EFi!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know you want to

Although Webers make a lovely noise, the MPG and initial costs are quite scary (for the cost of your average 2nd hand Webers you can get a Megasquirt, injectors and some bike throttle bodies)...