posted on 31/1/04 at 11:58 PM |
ps - I had a bsa bantam D14 once
Was it a red one and you worked for the post office? Them wer't days. Telegram sir.
yours, Pete.
yours, Pete
I went into the RSPCA office the other day. It was so small you could hardly swing a cat in there.
steve m
posted on 1/2/04 at 03:23 AM |
my bantam was a d7 i think
but the E-type I drove was carman red
does that mean it belonged to the post office
Alan, I agreee about the windscreen on the E-type, but with the FHC the blend seems much smoother
posted on 1/2/04 at 08:36 PM |
Spot on with the 288GTO. I used to go to Brunel Uni and every now and then took a trip to Egham to see the classic Ferrari's at a garage there.
The day they had a GTO in, I went straight in and asked to have a good look at it. Ah, happy days.
How's about really ugleeee cars then... but real corkers - cars that should have been crushed before even being built... Someone mentioned the
Porsche Cayenne. Whenever I see one on the road, I just point directly at the driver and start an exaggerated comic laugh. It's going to get
my butt kicked one day, I'm sure, but these people deserve to know that they are stupid for buying an ugly version of the VW Toe-rag just
because of the badge.
One minor vote for ugly is the face of the recent Morgan Aero 8. Even Charlize Theron would be a moose if she was as boss-eyed as the Aero... I
don't know what they were thinking. Sorry SG, but that's my take on it. However, the rest of the car is class. Which means we need a
new champion of hideousness.
I meant to keep my copy of Autocar with the photo of the VBS Census in it to remind me that if ever I decided to build a car and attempt to sell it to
other people and it looked quite as bad as that, then I should be immediately taken outside and shot. To see what I mean (make sure you have a bag
handy) look here:
"I disagree with what you say, but I would defend to the death your right to say it." -Voltaire.
Alan B
posted on 1/2/04 at 08:49 PM |
Mark, you may know already, but, there was a lot of talk on Pistonheads forum about the Census.
Concensus was "guys, it's a well engineered motor, but the looks just don't work".....they seemed to just ignore what was at
least 95% of the opinion, and spend time defending the looks.....bear in mind also that this was a forum made up of a high percentage of potential
Sadly, as they say, the rest is history...
posted on 1/2/04 at 08:53 PM |
good lord, i saw the nose and wasnt terribly put off by it, but the 3rd picture down is appalling! its like a back to front multipla...
posted on 1/2/04 at 09:33 PM |
Yeah, the British cottage car industry is a real hit-and-miss affair. Where are the scores of Jensen SV8s? What about those new Lea-Francis'?
It's such a shame.
Actually, if you looked at the original sketches of the Census, it did show some promise - to be striking in a similar way to, say, the Countach - but
what did they lose inbetween sketch and prototype? Proportion.
I wasn't party to the Pistonheads discussion - and I don't doubt the on-road ability of the car - it wouldn't have got press if
everything about it sucked. Trouble is, people don't buy an open top two seater on ability alone - they want to go out and pose in it... which
brings us back to the Attack. I think the Attack looks pretty good - it has has all the right flashy bits and enough guts on show to make (most)
people think it is some sort of track renegade.
Viewing it all the other way around, to quote an American drag racer maxim: "If you can't be fast, be loud, if you can't be loud, be
I seem to have done a lot of spouting off recently, so I'm going to shut up for a while. Maybe I'll pick up the hobbyhorse when
I've got my own rolling buck to show off (and be flamed about!)
But if it ain't fast, loud and pretty, then I'll probaby stay quiet.
posted on 1/2/04 at 10:17 PM |
A pic of the Morgan Aero 8. I dunno I thought it looked lovely!
posted on 1/2/04 at 10:26 PM |
Nope - it was an 8 year old privatly owned one in navy blue - but I did spray it red. Only had it a few months until the publicist of lords cricket
ground pulled out in front of me in a toyota corolla. Bike was wrecked and I went several yeards down the road head first.
quote: Originally posted by Peteff
Was it a red one and you worked for the post office? Them wer't days. Telegram sir.
yours, Pete.
posted on 1/2/04 at 11:49 PM |
What makes cars ...
For me,As someone said earlier its different from eye to eye.Its curves.Look at the aero 8.Curves.Big long cuvres.Jags(most of them)curves.Small and
large depending on whic model.All relates back to the shape of Ladies in a phycological sort of way I suppose.Tvrs.Curves.curves.curves..
No .This should break my restraining order.
posted on 2/2/04 at 12:40 PM |
sorry but you just gotta get a look at this lot! - check out the concept cars
especially the X-Trem - eurghhhhh!
but the tattoo has an underwater motorscooter.....
kinda like the E-Go though and the lotus 7 inspired 'Roadster R+SCR' is err - different!
"In Support of Help the Heroes" - Always
Alan B
posted on 2/2/04 at 05:18 PM |
quote: Originally posted by alister667
A pic of the Morgan Aero 8. I dunno I thought it looked lovely!
Yeah not bad at all....except for the cross eyed looking headlights...  
posted on 16/2/11 at 01:47 PM |
For me it's an engineering thing mainly. But I seem to have different tastes to the masses.
Many people rave about the Alfa Brera being beautiful - I can't stand it:
Many people rave about the TT being a design icon - I think it's positively dull.
Cars that float my boat either are engineering masterpieces or have curves in the right places (which often hides poor engineering!):

posted on 16/2/11 at 01:54 PM |
It's Evolution Baby!
posted on 16/2/11 at 02:06 PM |
Damn search function and lack of observation. Ace. I think thats my best ever - 2004?! 7 years!
[Edited on 16/2/11 by coyoteboy]
Mr Whippy
posted on 16/2/11 at 03:18 PM |
Nearly spilt my coffee there
Fame is when your old car is plastered all over the internet
posted on 16/2/11 at 04:25 PM |
Beauty has nothing to do with curves