posted on 13/4/09 at 01:07 PM |
Just getting the scamp out for summer and the windscreen has got a hit from the sparks from the angle grinder, which seems to have pockmarked the
glass, very badly. It is flat laminated glass, will 6 or 8 mm safety glass as used domestically do? If not anyone know where to source a new screen?
Mr Whippy
posted on 13/4/09 at 01:12 PM |
don't ever use safety glass for a windscreen, if it shatters at 70mph (assuming a scamp can even go that fast ) the small chips will fly into
your eye's
most autoglass places will be able to give you the contact details for flat screen glass fitters, usually about £30-£50 depending on how big it is
Fame is when your old car is plastered all over the internet
John Bonnett
posted on 13/4/09 at 01:53 PM |
Autoglass in Cambridge will certainly supply and fit a new screen for you and the people I used, Keen Screen Services @
austin man
posted on 13/4/09 at 04:48 PM |
You can Buy laminted glass from any glass company just give tham a template and they will cut and supply it.
Toughened glass shatters into 100s of little pieces, laminated cracks
Life is like a bowl of fruit, funny how all the weird looking ones are left alone