posted on 24/1/11 at 01:40 PM |
Anyone Put Cycle-Wings on the Back of a Seven?
Seen Sylva's with it, but never a Seven.
Anyone done it, or have any pics of an example?
It's Evolution Baby!
posted on 24/1/11 at 01:51 PM |
Doesn't the Locust have them on the back?
posted on 24/1/11 at 01:57 PM |
Cheers Marc.
I've tried a google-image search for 'Locust' but couldn't see any...
It's Evolution Baby!
posted on 24/1/11 at 02:01 PM |
Kougar has rear cycle wings iirc
How long can i resist the temptation to drop a V8 in?
posted on 24/1/11 at 02:06 PM |
Cheers Speedy... rounder bum than a seven, but gives me an idea of what it would look like!
It's Evolution Baby!
posted on 24/1/11 at 02:07 PM |
I thought you'd promised not to modify anything on this car ?
posted on 24/1/11 at 02:10 PM |
I hate the fiddling to get a set of rear arches off. I want easy and quick access to everywhere and no crud collection points!
It's Evolution Baby!
posted on 24/1/11 at 02:14 PM |
Someone on here did it about a year ago,I remember seeing the pictures but not a clue who it was lol
posted on 24/1/11 at 02:17 PM |
I've been thinking about cycle wings on the rear too. One good reason I can see not to do it is that when sitting in the car your
elbows/arms/hands would be susceptible to being mangled by all sorts of moving parts, that are inaccessible with the usual static rear wings.
posted on 24/1/11 at 02:17 PM |
MK Midi has rear cycle wings.
But not that good pictures at least on the site.
I thought all mid engined ones had cycle wings on the rear but the Mojo hasn't, so I can't recall any other.
Best regards,
posted on 24/1/11 at 02:55 PM |
| does (did?) the Toniq-R