daniel mason
posted on 27/1/11 at 07:56 PM |
filling gaps between pannels and bodywork?
i have an naca duct on the side of the nose cone to feed cold air to intake.as the intake is angled and finishes just short of bodywork,there is no
room to pipe a duct from front end. the problem is that the pannel is curved slightly but the duct is not,so there will be a gap between the ducy and
nose cone of about 10mm deep and 1 1/2" long at the back on both the top and bottom edge of the duct! is there something i can use to fill the
gap, sand down,then paint stain or polish to look nice and keep ithe radius? cheers
posted on 27/1/11 at 08:52 PM |
when I fitted mine to my curved nosecone I ended up bending it with a weights and bits of wood. Once dried its now fixed with a nice curve.
It might help if you pop a piccy of it up.
posted on 27/1/11 at 09:05 PM |
Hi can you cut the naca duct at the back =remove a wedge so it bends to the shape of the nose cone then fiber glass it back up
Steve Hignett
posted on 27/1/11 at 09:16 PM |
Is it going anywhere near the position of this one?
posted on 27/1/11 at 09:24 PM |
or like this one on Jon Ison's car
daniel mason
posted on 27/1/11 at 09:30 PM |
Take a look at the pic of position in my Blog.the back of the duct ttouches but top and bottom don't quite!cheers
posted on 27/1/11 at 10:02 PM |
See what you mean just a idea at work we mix david p40 and body filler together [ it makes it a bit stronger ] that would fill the gap sand it down
and paint it green i feel it would do the job
Or how about black rubber glued on the back of the duct to fill the gap
daniel mason
posted on 27/1/11 at 10:09 PM |
Yeah. I could do I suppose. Just wanted it to look good
Steve Hignett
posted on 27/1/11 at 10:15 PM |
From the pics in your blog, it looks like it's relatively flat.
I think if there's just a couple of places where it doesn't meet up then you can trim slightly more of the hole away so that the duct can
fit lower and therefor flatter.
This isn't something I can say for certain as it's hard to make out exactly how close to fitting it actually is...