posted on 26/8/11 at 02:43 AM |
vinyl rear arches
Hi. Sorry to be on all the time about failures in my build, but not much else to report! Just found out the garage I left it in all last winter
managed to hit my rear arch with something, putting a big hole in the fibreglass, and ripping it off the ally flange holding it on to the car. This
was covered by a black vinyl arch protector, which I tore off yesterday just to find out why it looked a bit odd. You can't win with other
people. That's why you build your own bloody car...
Anyhoo - I tried using some ebay 3D Carbon fibre fake vinyl to do the arch because I couldn't find any bondo kicking around the garage,
haven't been successful with painting, and had the vinyl. I did the top bit ok, but the sides turned out like a dog's breakfast - really
bad. I ended up cutting as much out as I could, and patching it with other bits, trying to line up the squares.
How on earth does it go around the corners without bunching up? I tried using a heat gun, but it just made it worse. I have seen lots of vids on this,
but they just show regular cars, and mostly roofs!! Nothing on our special shapes. Any ideas?
posted on 26/8/11 at 05:01 AM |
Heatgun is the way. Search YouTube on alloy wheel vinyl wrapping. I used some of that 3D carbon vinyl and had similar experience with curves. Some of
the carbon vinyl doesn't seem as stretchy?!!
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posted on 26/8/11 at 06:45 AM |
You'd be better off with a plain coloured vinyl for that as stretching the dinoc stuff with heat can make the textured finish look very strange
but with a plain colour a heat gun and some patience even I can get a good finish so you should be fine, might also help to remove the wing and do it
on the bench. If it all starts going wrong don't be afraid to "snap" it off the surface a bit to reposition.
posted on 26/8/11 at 06:51 AM |
ive just got some Carbon Di-noc for the rear arches and gonna attempt one this weekend! Hopefully will go ok but need a heat gun otherwise the mrs
hairdryer is getting a going over!
Dont wanna mess it up as wasnt cheap! had a play over the edges with the free samples carbon mods do and seems quite neat however they were only small
so will see what a large sheet pays up like!
posted on 26/8/11 at 07:31 AM |
If you're using genuine di-noc they'll look perfect with a little heat. If its not the 3m di-noc you're getting what you paid for.
posted on 26/8/11 at 10:46 AM |
ajf is the guy you want to speak to. http://www.locostbuilders.co.uk/viewthread.php?tid=136560
posted on 26/8/11 at 11:54 AM |
Evidently, I just haven't spent enough on my car. I'll try the Di Noc stuff and see if that's any better. Meanwhile, I'll just
cut out more bad bits on this and live with it for now. Still looks better than the bad paint that was on there (and I guess still is!).
Thank you everyone!
ps it is 3D car vinyl that I have used, so I assumed it would be OK. The heat gun made it worse actually.
[Edited on 26/8/11 by RK]
posted on 26/8/11 at 03:14 PM |
The 3M stuff is very good - all you need is a hair dryer and it just wraps itself around the bends. Carbon Mods was the best price I could get for
the size i wanted so try there.