Jumpy Guy
posted on 11/8/04 at 08:25 AM |
Alli 'Springing' qualities..
a general question about alli springiness..
fitting my engine bay side panels, and the alli wants to spring back into its 'straight' form. I've clamped it into the bend that i
want, and it goes easily, but springs back straight when i take the clamp off.
will alli ever 'take' to its clamped shape? how long will it take?
i know that you can heat the metal, but this is a whole panel I'm asking about. Do i heat the whole thing?
posted on 11/8/04 at 08:52 AM |
I had the same problem when I used the ratchet strap method on my boinnet, if you left it 50 years it'll still spring back as for heat youd need
a lot of it and the expansion/distortion when heating ali is phenominal.
Ended up bending it over a length of pipe then managed to cock up the cutting so Ive got to redo it
[Edited on 11/8/04 by splitrivet]
I used to be a Werewolf but I'm alright nowwoooooooooooooo
type 907
posted on 11/8/04 at 09:49 AM |
Clamp sheet on and mark bend.
Measure degree of springback, i.e. 10deg.
Take sheet off and "overbend" by this
amount over a suitable length of something.
Heat will weaken the metal making it
prone to damage IMHO.
Hope this helps. Good luck.
Paul G
Too much is just enough
posted on 11/8/04 at 02:36 PM |
If you go here: http://www.7builder.com, follow the side menu to "Build Tips" and then select "Bodywork" I show how
I used a wired front edge and my knee to do the front quarter panels. HTH!
[Edited on 11/8/04 by MikeP]