posted on 26/12/12 at 11:58 PM |
Venom headlights
Venom headlights
I am attempting to replace the square headlights and separate indicator/side light arrangement on my Dax Rush for a venom all in one headlight but
struggling to get it wired up. I thought it would be a fairly simple process with only three connectors coming into the old headlights and the same
into the indicator /sidelight units but I am baffled. Can anyone help or know where I can find a wiring diagram........
Monty (MON7S)
posted on 27/12/12 at 09:32 AM |
Generally speaking kits dont have diagrams.
But it should be fairly straight forward
The 3 wires of each will be 2 feeds, and an earth for each.
The new ones should have 4 feeds - Mains, Dipped, sides and indicators, and either 1 or a selection of earths.
A multimeter should reveal which are which on the car if you didnt make a note when removing the old ones, and I would expect the new lights to have a
diagram/colour list.
Mistral Motorsport
posted on 27/12/12 at 01:43 PM |
Cheers. The old headlight has three pins with 2 blacks to one, a blue with red line to another and a blue with red line to the third. There is also
two reds joined together but taped up so not in use.
On the new lamp there is thick black, thick red and two thin reds. Can get dipped and main flash to work but when I switch to main 'on'
lights go off.
On the indicator and side light unit there is a green indicator light and a red and black going to the side light. As you can see according to the
wiring notes from the new lights the green, thin black, brown and white are for .
Not sure how to attach pics on here.