posted on 6/11/13 at 03:54 PM |
E marked Windscreen Supplier
Hi all...
There's a guy just outside Norwich who sells automotive windscreen glass cut to size.
It's proper Pilkington stuff, flat laminated, and carries all the E markings needed for IVA (as of the date of this post).
Should be ideal for 7-style cars & maybe others. Very decent price, too!
His name is Karl Yoxen, tel 07960 346202
email sxheconomywindscreens@fsmail.net
He'll also do mail order, if you provide a full-size template, marked up with all the dimensions (or presumably the actual frame it's
going into.)
Hope this helps some folk.
posted on 6/11/13 at 04:34 PM |
Sounds useful, thanks. What would you regard as a decent price, for example how much would a full flat screen for an average 7, EG from the
'build a car for £200' book?
posted on 6/11/13 at 04:58 PM |
Difficult to be precise as screen sizes vary, but I would say less than £100 plus the postage.