posted on 11/9/03 at 08:40 PM |
Rear Wings
Im building a standard sized chassis with a cortina rear axle and 7" wheels. have looked everywhere for extra wide rear wings to no avail, short
of making them myself out of normal sized ones, the only thing i can think of is to put front cycle wings on the rear aswell, any ideas for a supplier
or a way round?
MK Goldrush
posted on 11/9/03 at 10:36 PM |
Wide Rear Arch's
We're building an MK Indy and we're having 7" wide wheels on it. I've seen plenty of MK's with 7" wide wheels in
the original arch's. So, my answer would be to buy Arch's from MK or measure the offset when the Arch's are on to find out the
widest wheel it will accept. Taking into account the uprights for fouling.