posted on 30/4/09 at 10:31 PM |
paint supplier
hi all, can anyone recommend a website to supply spray paints primer, base and clears also good consumables?
Also and idiot guide websites on common probs when spraying a car?
Thanks all
posted on 30/4/09 at 11:26 PM |
This is a good web page, follow that and you wont go too far wrong.
Mr Whippy
posted on 1/5/09 at 07:50 AM |
I've used this supplier, very good and very quick delivery
Fame is when your old car is plastered all over the internet
posted on 1/5/09 at 09:30 AM |
I've used these a cople of times. LInky
posted on 1/5/09 at 03:39 PM |
google Paints4U b --- very good supplier
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― From BBC TV/Amazon's Ripper Street.