posted on 21/2/10 at 11:40 PM |
Fibre glass strength
Hi all!
after a cracking weekend making the front wheel arch mounts and mounting the arches hue come ur with 2 slight problems:~
1)how strong is fiberglass?i've used it in plentiful amounts for the wheel arches to the 4mm struts is this likely to crack and fly off,scalping
the little old lady?or worse getting run over?
2)when on full lock the arch crosses the lights!is this ok or is it a test failure?
posted on 21/2/10 at 11:45 PM |
they shouldn't come off but arches obstructing the lights is a 100% fail you will need to raise them or limit your steering lock
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posted on 21/2/10 at 11:53 PM |
well that's a bit of a bugger!ill be raising the lights out of the way next then!