posted on 3/3/07 at 08:36 AM |
Great reading I love the side and rear quarter views, do you have a full on rear.
As to the front I support what has been said about the scoops and projector lamps but for me the lower air intakes let down the effect. Have you
considered making the end of those eliptical rather than the inverted trapezoid you currrently have.
Gaz 1977
posted on 3/3/07 at 08:59 AM |
locost design
Thanks for that. I have not managed to get the rear done yet, I am having enough problems with the rest of it.
I want to get the sides resolved before starting the rear but i hope to have some images by the middle of next week.
As for the lights i will have a good play next week. (i cant work on the model at the weekends as it is locked up at the uni due to health safety. I
need supervision just incase i eat some clay)
I agree with you on the lower vents and they have been changed now though they still are not quite right. The vents in the pics are square because at
the time i was making the front symetrical and corners are easier to measure.
I am going to do a bit of photoshoping today and try and resolve the design a little.
![](/images//smilies/smile.gif) ![](/images//smilies/smile.gif)
posted on 3/3/07 at 03:35 PM |
The head clearance behind the driver looks a little tight to me but might just be the picture, I dont think you'll get an effective rollbar in
there as well though will you?
One other thing, make sure you leave sufficient bonnet height for popular engines, the front half of the bonnet line looks quite low and it would be a
shame if you needed to spoil the look with bonnet bulges / holes in order to get a decent engine in there.
[Edited on 3/3/07 by ChrisGamlin]
Gaz 1977
posted on 3/3/07 at 06:59 PM |
locost design
Hi Chris, You might well be right about the roll bar, I will have to move the roof back a little.
I have fitted a 2lt zetec in the scale model of the chassis and i have allowed 70mm of clearance over the top of the motor so that i am covered for
the current pedestrian safety legislation.
![](/galpreviews/a514799-chassis.jpg) ![Rescued attachment chassis.jpg](/gallery/a514799-chassis.jpg) Rescued attachment chassis.jpg
Gaz 1977
posted on 3/3/07 at 07:09 PM |
locost design
I built a solid foam model of the chassis onto which i put the clay, the advantage of doing this is that if i hit foam when carving the clay i know
that I have gone too far and in theory i know that the fibreglass body will fit.
Thanks again
![](/galpreviews/a514806-foam.jpg) ![Rescued attachment foam.jpg](/gallery/a514806-foam.jpg) Rescued attachment foam.jpg
Gaz 1977
posted on 4/3/07 at 12:13 PM |
locost design
well i have been busy on the old photoshop. I have stuck some elise lights on it, i will have a play with lights in the air intakes from a different
Anyone got any ideas on what colour it should be?
[Edited on 4/3/07 by Gaz 1977]
![](/galpreviews/a515097-3 march ft 34 flat small.jpg) ![Rescued attachment 3 march ft 34 flat small.jpg](/gallery/a515097-3 march ft 34 flat small.jpg) Rescued attachment 3 march ft 34 flat small.jpg
David Jenkins
posted on 4/3/07 at 01:18 PM |
Not much wrong with the colour you've picked - metallic bluish-grey.
I like Toyota's metallic blue, or Rover's metallic red, but I'm not sure how they'd suit your car. A sporty car always looks
good in red, though.
Gaz 1977
posted on 4/3/07 at 01:24 PM |
here you go David.
![](/galpreviews/a515128-3 march ft 34 flat small red.jpg) ![Rescued attachment 3 march ft 34 flat small red.jpg](/gallery/a515128-3 march ft 34 flat small red.jpg) Rescued attachment 3 march ft 34 flat small red.jpg
posted on 4/3/07 at 04:35 PM |
cool design
hello there gaz some beatuiful work going on!
just my interpretation try if possible with your constraints to push the design a bit further for more wow factor, sorry to be a bit harsh but try
push harder, keep up the top work id like to see a full size one,
check out my rossa corsa version
![](/galpreviews/a515283-ferraro ttemp.jpg) ![Rescued attachment ferraro ttemp.jpg](/gallery/a515283-ferraro ttemp.jpg) Rescued attachment ferraro ttemp.jpg
posted on 4/3/07 at 04:45 PM |
final message
third time lucky! sorry for big image size here is the scaled one sorry again
![](/galpreviews/a515290-ferralfa2.jpg) ![Rescued attachment ferralfa2.jpg](/gallery/a515290-ferralfa2.jpg) Rescued attachment ferralfa2.jpg
posted on 4/3/07 at 07:12 PM |
Maybe editing/deleting the post with the HUUUGE image might help things?
Gaz 1977
posted on 4/3/07 at 10:57 PM |
Thank you for the suggestions for my design. Just a few things I'd like to ask back:
As I am trying to refine my design, can you explain the bits of your suggestions, and why you think they are an improvement?
I don't know how much of the thread you have looked at, but my design is an attempt to make a design which people can create on an existing
locost chassis - So importantly, it has to be feasible! I know that i have to make it interesting, but things like the glass in the doors comprimises
this aim slightly!
Also, I know I showed a red version of my design, but it is supposed to be unique. Did you think it looked too much like an Alfa? If so, I just
wondered why.
Any comments are welcome,
posted on 4/3/07 at 11:19 PM |
I reckon it looks great pal
If it'd fir on an Indy chassis i'd have one like a shot
You couldn't pwn your way out of a wet paper bag, with "PWN ME!!" written on it, from the "pwned take-away" which originally contained one
portion of chicken tikka pwnsala and the obligatory free pwnpadom.
posted on 5/3/07 at 12:12 AM |
its looking very good id go for the old suicide doors just for something a bit diffrent and prob make it easyer to get out of. and you could use
prespex for the windows so you can use what shape you want and keep costs down
if you do make some full size ones ill buy one. how much ?![](/images//smilies/bigsmile.gif)
Gaz 1977
posted on 5/3/07 at 09:03 AM |
locost design
Thanks Chaps,
The door idea could be interesting,
The front screen is from a SMART Roadster and I think you are right in that the other glass should be perspex. I will have a look into using a
production rear screen as it might be nice to have it heated.
As for cost, so far the model has a one quarter scale price.
I have already blown the budget on the haynes book.
Mr Whippy
posted on 5/3/07 at 10:35 AM |
looking fab.
where's the wipers going? Am I going to have to drill some holes in the glass or are they going to lift up with the engine cover...oops
You know some black plastic vents for the demist wouldn't go amiss either.
There's only one colour that goes with that car, ferrari red...u know I'm right
a plastic loovered rear window like an F40 would be my choice and keep it light last thing it needs if a fat TVR butt. I think I'll start saving
my pennies for this![](/images//smilies/bigsmile.gif)
posted on 5/3/07 at 12:50 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Gaz 1977
Hi Chris, You might well be right about the roll bar, I will have to move the roof back a little.
I have fitted a 2lt zetec in the scale model of the chassis and i have allowed 70mm of clearance over the top of the motor so that i am covered for
the current pedestrian safety legislation.
WOW! What a big mug of tea....
Mr Whippy
posted on 5/3/07 at 01:11 PM |
almost as big as my tigger coffee mug I use to keep me awake at work![](/images//smilies/bigsmile.gif)
Gaz 1977
posted on 5/3/07 at 07:27 PM |
locost design
as you might well have guessed i havent got as far a sorting the wipers yet. its hard to do modelmaking when you shake so much, what with all the
I must admit i am not a big fan of red, I have spent too much time T CUTing faded paint in the past.
I havent done much to the model today, just making it Symetrical.
Thanks for the comments
David Jenkins
posted on 5/3/07 at 07:46 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Gaz 1977
I must admit i am not a big fan of red,
I'll have to be Toyota's metallic blue then!
Gaz 1977
posted on 5/3/07 at 08:15 PM |
silly question i know but what kind of blue is it? What car is it on?
if i get an idea i will post a pic on here.
David Jenkins
posted on 5/3/07 at 08:40 PM |
It's a mid- to dark-blue - found on most of their cars.
Here's the best I can find on Google - I'm not sure if it's the Toyota colour, but it's the closest one I could find.
It's not a colour that photographs well, but it's very striking when you stand next to a car in their showroom.
posted on 5/3/07 at 08:52 PM |
Hey Gaz,
A couple of thoughts for you:
As far as size goes, it seems that a lot of builders are making or buying their chassis oversize anyway. Could the +50mm chassis give you that
little extra perspective wise. i.e. that little extra width will keep the car in proportion and still give you room for a roll bar etc.
If you have problems selecting a rear screen that matches your body shape then can you go the route of the pininfarina styled Peugeot 406 coupe and
have a recessed rear window.
Colour is also very much down to personal preference and perception. People may hate a green car because an xyx they owned yars ago was a shed. Look
at the two extremes of pearlescent paint - TVR and Nissan Micra. IMO Renault did a nice dark blue on the Meganes circa 2002.
Keep up the good work
Gaz 1977
posted on 5/3/07 at 10:07 PM |
locost design
firstly, Nice blue David, i will sort it out and post it on here.
I see where you are coming from on the chassis width. The original idea was to follow the book chassis. Since then the new book has come out, (bugger)
I think that might be wider but i am not sure, I will have to ask Chris. Unfortunately it is a bit late to change the chassis on the model but if/when
i build it full size it would be a serious consideration. The model is a strange thing to photograph it looks wider in the flesh.
Thanks to everyone.
Gaz 1977
posted on 5/3/07 at 10:23 PM |
What do you think of the blue one?
![](/galpreviews/a516207-3 march ft 34 BLUE DAVE.jpg) ![Rescued attachment 3 march ft 34 BLUE DAVE.jpg](/gallery/a516207-3 march ft 34 BLUE DAVE.jpg) Rescued attachment 3 march ft 34 BLUE DAVE.jpg