posted on 23/12/08 at 09:36 AM |
Exhaust link pipe
Having done an engine swap I need a new link pipe from manifold to wunoff silencer. Merlin do a straight pipe that is long enough but needs a small
bend put in it, (they also do a bend that is to much and pushes exhaust against car). Any one know any one in the Bristol area who can either
manufacture a link pipe or put a bend in the Merlin one?
2" thin wall stainless steel pipe.
Mr Whippy
posted on 23/12/08 at 09:43 AM |
you could be a cheap skate like me and rummage about in the kwik-fit skip at night for treasure
Fame is when your old car is plastered all over the internet
posted on 23/12/08 at 09:47 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Mr Whippy
you could be a cheap skate like me and rummage about in the kwik-fit skip at night for treasure