posted on 23/5/09 at 07:31 PM |
Bonnet Bulge
Where can i get a couple of bonnet bulges. I need small ones.
rusty nuts
posted on 23/5/09 at 07:35 PM |
David Jenkins had a small bulge on his bonnet, might be worth doing a search?
David Jenkins
posted on 23/5/09 at 08:58 PM |
Mine isn't very small! (he said, looking down...)
The bulge came from Redline, but I don't know if they still do them. It came in fairly murky
grey GRP, but that wasn't significant as I knew I was going to paint it.
When I bought it, there was a choice of having a vent at the front, or no vent (i.e. just a bulge).
posted on 23/5/09 at 10:01 PM |
ive got one of the smaller ones from car builders going spare
posted on 24/5/09 at 01:14 AM |
Yes Redline. The people who never email back. Large club when you write from the colonies actually...