posted on 15/4/10 at 11:52 AM |
Bonnet Catches
Last night I finally managed to get around to fitting my bonnet hinges to the loocost, I didn't get the rubber ones that everywhere seems to
sell (for around £20) as after all I am trying to keep the cost down.
Unfortunately, I think the addage 'you gets what you pays for' is ringing all around
I can't rember exactly what I paid for these ones, but I think it was around £15 for the 4. trouble is, they don't seem to latch very
well, and I'm sure that the first bump I go over will see the bonnet making like a hanglider
I can't seem to find them on the web (can't remember where I bought them) but they are similar to the rubber fold-down type but hard ABS
plastic or similar.
Can anyone recommend any other 'IVA friendly' catches that won't cost me a fortune please?
It looks like the Midget is winning at the moment......
posted on 15/4/10 at 01:43 PM |
Sure you have fitted them correctly, spacing between the top an bottom parts is critical, they should be "over-center" to latch, incorrect
spacing may mean they cant do that.
Maybe you could experiment with addition of adjustment via elongating the fixing holes and using some 4mm button head screws and some big washers on
the back???
I don't much like these kind of catches as they are not positively locked, the rubber versions ones stretch as well... I have Duz quarter turn
fasteners, they are a pain to fit but can be very positive..
Failing that 4 bonnet locating "pins" and two belt leather straps would work well (old special style, difficult to make IVA friendly
posted on 15/4/10 at 02:13 PM |
I have the rubber 'SVA Safe' type that are coming off to make way for solid stainless locking cateringvan type....
Bonnet acted more like a rocket, going straight up than a hand glider...
1972 V8 Jago
1980 Z750
posted on 15/4/10 at 03:45 PM |
u2u sent ref catches.
posted on 15/4/10 at 06:18 PM |
My catches are definitely not IVA compliant (it's been on the road for 10 years +) but at least I can put an R-clip or a ty-wrap through them so
they're going nowhere! I'm sure the damage that may be caused to a pedestrian by my catches (after he's managed to get past my front
wheel), is a whole lot less than a driver may suffer if his bonnet takes off the wrong way! I'm pretty sure that some of the IVA safe ones can
have pins put through though.
posted on 15/4/10 at 06:43 PM |
Ive got protex ones on mine.
- Stainless, very stong, posative interface, and cam over with clip to hold them shut. Can also use an Rclip but dont.
Not SVA/IVA able tho. Just safe and sensable.
posted on 17/4/10 at 10:06 PM |
I had a bonnet fly off while towing the car last year (luckily on an empty road). Trust me, it's a lot cheaper to buy good catches in the first
Keep meaning to post some pics of the remains asking if it's repairable