posted on 6/6/10 at 08:45 AM |
acrylic & celluose
i have primed parts of my car with acrylic rattle cans, will in be to use cellouse for the top coat?
posted on 6/6/10 at 09:22 AM |
hi, it should say on the can of the primer that its compatable or not.
you didnt say whose primer you used but on the upol etch it says compatable for all paint types including cellulose.
otherwise try a small part and see what happens or get some barcoat and use that first or use acrylic topcoat.
posted on 6/6/10 at 09:31 AM |
i have just checked the can and you cant spray celly over acrylic
How good of a finish and how easy is acrylic to spray?
I only have sprayed celly b4
posted on 6/6/10 at 09:42 AM |
hi, theres not much difference spraying any paint really the key is good preparation and above all patience.
practice on the bits that dont show and work up to the bits you want really nice
posted on 10/6/10 at 12:19 PM |
Just an update, I ended up sanding all the acrylic undercoat off until i came back to the cellouse coat