posted on 7/5/03 at 09:43 AM |
Lightweight Racing seats
I want to fit lightweight racing seats to my indy but am unsure where will sell them. The ideal seats would be the carbon-kevlar tillet seats that
they put in the Caterham R500 but these are silly money.
The mk fibreglass ones look ok and are lightweight but im unsure whether they will be ridgid enough. I suppose if i got some of these I could add a
few fibreglass ribs around the back to make them stiffer.
I cant be bothered to make my own out of ali and then cover them.
Any thoughts ley me know.
Fast Westie
posted on 7/5/03 at 12:36 PM |
Try Plays Kool Motorsport
The car in front is a Westfield
posted on 7/5/03 at 12:43 PM |
Or try this guy:
See "seat" section in "build" section. He is selling them right now in grp and carbon versions.
It looks good!
posted on 7/5/03 at 01:04 PM |
On there are high back and low back race/road seats in the bodywork section.
Kind regards,
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posted on 8/5/03 at 01:17 AM |
Or you could ask Rorty (when he gets back from his op - get well Rorty) to draw you up a pattern for an Ali one.
posted on 8/5/03 at 12:02 PM |
I could do but that wound need to be covered and i would need to make it. I want to get on the road soon, plus i dont have the gear to weld ali.
posted on 8/5/03 at 01:03 PM |
I'm not covering my ali seat from rorty, just putting pads in sensitive places. Deano (ali tank man ) is welding mine up. Before the mods i
made (which makes the seat smaller) the set weighed 4.2kg
Get well soon Rorty, hope the book i sent you kept you amused whilst recouping
[Edited on 8/5/03 by MK9R]
Cheers Austen
RGB car number 9
posted on 8/5/03 at 08:22 PM |
I'll second that, check out my photo archive for pics of Playskools Carbon/Kevlar seats, dunno how much they weigh cos i couldn't be arsed
weighing them before fitting, but they dont feel heavy. I agree with you about the Cateringvan seats, they are sexy, but at £500 each i'd rather
go on a diet.
Another option is Westfields race seats which are light and even have padding.
i]Originally posted by Fast Westie
Try Plays Kool Motorsport
posted on 9/5/03 at 07:49 AM |
hi do you have a pic of the aly seats you have
posted on 9/5/03 at 08:57 AM |
I haven't got them made yet, but i have an MDF mock up picture on my website in the April section.
MK9r website
Cheers Austen
RGB car number 9
posted on 9/5/03 at 01:00 PM |
Hi does any one know when rorty will be back (am I right in assuming he has had an operation) also if asked nicely does he do ally welding jobs i.e. a
couple of the seats (if you don’t mined me using your design) as they look very nice and a book fuel tank. Obviously with some compensation for his
time failing that is there any body else out there who can weld aly and make me theas things if so pleas e-mail or u2u me
Mark H
posted on 9/5/03 at 01:28 PM |
Rorty lives in Oz, so probably impractical (unless you live out there of course!)
Perhaps Deano (as mentioned by MK9R above) may be able to help.
Mark Harrison and
Q986 KCP back from the dead...
posted on 9/5/03 at 01:31 PM |
Just a thought, but why weld them?
I would have thought you could just make them with overlap tags that could be bonded and rivited.
Much like you do with the cutouts from the rice crispy packets
posted on 9/5/03 at 02:05 PM |
could you post the .dwg file of the seat or what ever format you are using with mesurements pleas so that I can investigate geting some of theas seat
made up.
posted on 9/5/03 at 04:29 PM |
quote: Originally posted by ceebmoj
could you post the .dwg file of the seat or what ever format you are using with mesurements pleas so that I can investigate geting some of theas seat
made up.
You need to speak to rorty about that as they are all custom
posted on 9/5/03 at 07:33 PM |
i have downloaded a seat design like those Rorty makes , pos from the locost-file-mirror, haven't exploded it yet. to compair and measure.
file was from svante's site for anyone who wants to have a look
[Edited on 10/5/03 by fastenuff]
posted on 9/5/03 at 09:30 PM |
i thort that you had designed the seat but I will try to get hold of the plans from the other site can you remember the url
posted on 12/5/03 at 06:35 AM |
Rorty designed the seat for me, but then i modified it quite a bit. I don't think i should publish the design though as it is based on Rortys.
Cheers Austen
RGB car number 9
posted on 12/5/03 at 07:57 AM |
fastenuff can you remember the url of the seat you have plans for.
I will email/u2u rorty and ask him if I can have a copy of the plans if that pans out would you mind if I got a coppy of youre modifide seat if not
but does any body know of a plan for a simaler styled seat avaleble on the web that is dowlodable.
posted on 12/5/03 at 08:38 AM |
No probs letting you have the plans if rorty Ok's it.
Cheers Austen
RGB car number 9
posted on 12/5/03 at 09:41 AM |
another question maby a bit stupid but apart from asthetic and weight saving reasons why not construct this stile of seat using aly strips on the
joints that are gluyed and riverted or would this not be as strong
posted on 27/5/03 at 11:17 AM |
My seats
My seats are now ready and padded...
pls have a look at my site and tell me what you think..
they are grp with vinyl and foam padding..
posted on 28/5/03 at 03:53 PM |
hi I have tryed to contact rorty to ask if I can ues his seat design however I dont seam to be abol to get in touch with him if any body hear knowes
hi could that contact him for me incase my e-mail is not geting throug (i am using hot mail and it is ofter filted out by ant spam stuff)
posted on 28/5/03 at 04:16 PM |
I seem to remember him saying something about having to go into hospital for an opp'.
So maybe he is not out yet!