posted on 14/5/03 at 08:03 AM |
aero screen / windscreen
anyone know at what height an aero screen becomes classed as a windscreen ?
David Jenkins
posted on 14/5/03 at 08:20 AM |
Not an easy answer to give, as it depends on the height of the seat above the floor.
The SVA tester will put a block in the back corner of the seat, put a frame on top of that, then sight across a bar on the top - if the glass is in
view, it's a windscreen! (it's a lot easier to understand if you look in the SVA manual!)
Mind you, if your aeroscreen folds down then it will never be considered to be a windscreen.
posted on 14/5/03 at 05:22 PM |
Anyone know of an aero screen on the market then thats NOT classed as a windscreen but IS SVA compliant?
posted on 14/5/03 at 05:36 PM |
Put one on after SVA then you wont have to worry
posted on 14/5/03 at 05:41 PM |
That means I have to wee about with washers/wipers and a demister everything I want to avoid
David Jenkins
posted on 14/5/03 at 07:10 PM |
No - put nothing on the scuttle - wear goggles (and ear plugs).
No screen of any sort = no wipers or washers!
posted on 22/5/03 at 08:17 PM |
if it aint on there they cant fail it, so there
luego-lo-cost finished,vauxhall 16v 2.0,twin 45s de-dion rear set up