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Author: Subject: GRP Quality

posted on 30/6/03 at 06:11 AM Reply With Quote
GRP Quality

I can't speak for everyone who makes GRP and i haven't seen a lot of it close up to make much of a comment.

Basically most of the commercial people sub contract out the manufacture of the parts, so sometimes you can get the same parts from various different retailers. One comment i have heard is that the people supplying Locost Ltd, used only one layer of gel coat and as a result you could often see the glass matt through it.

The guy that makes my GRP (that is for mark (Triton) and I (GTS)). Is by all accounts a craftsman who takes pride in his work, and as such would rather turn down work than make a part to a price that means it has poor results. So he uses 2 layers of gel coat to get a nice finish, and the front cycle wings are made with nice mounts etc..

Locost builders are typically concerned mainly with cost, but, after buying the cheapest possible spend sometime wishing they had paid to have a better end product.

Where i stand is that i only want to supply parts that people will be really happy with. I don't have the time to deal with complaints, if i can't supply something of better quality for less than any of the other commercial retailers then i'm not interested in selling it. Hence why my website doesn't sell chassis' and suspension parts, because i can't make them for that money and i wouldn't be happy to produce something of that poor quality.

For example with the bodywork costs, i searched the web for Locost suppliers and found the best prices, and undercut them. I then looked at my costs and on some things i make nothing on other things i might make a couple of quid, but, to me its important to provide good quality, a good range and to be cheapest if poss.

It takes ages to build a reputation for good quality, and it'll disappear in seconds so i'm quite careful about what i will and will not sell. Also i'm not trying to make a living out of it so you are not paying for my massive profit margins, i do it primarily to fund the build of my car and for beer money.

Kind regards,


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David Jenkins

posted on 30/6/03 at 07:44 AM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by dozracing
The guy that makes my GRP (that is for mark (Triton) and I (GTS)). Is by all accounts a craftsman who takes pride in his work, and as such would rather turn down work than make a part to a price that means it has poor results.

I collected my GRP stuff from Mark, who now seems to be based in the same farm buildings as the GRP man. The room was full of architectural GRP as well as Locost bits, which I believe is a plus point.

Most of the people who buy architectural stuff are the sort who would give it straight back if there was a hint that the work was below spec. I don't think there much risk of this stuff being rejected!

I have an offcut from my nosecone, from the edge that sits on the chassis. At this point the GRP is almost 1/4" thick, absolutely solid and with no signs of voids or delamination. The cone is 'king heavy, as well!


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posted on 1/7/03 at 08:28 PM Reply With Quote
The 'glass makes all the difference

Darren is indeed right in what he n cheerful is a no no because "yer gets what yer pay for"

Big names may be big names......but give the liitle bloke a might be glad you did.

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