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Donnington Locost race video.
procomp - 3/9/08 at 08:08 AM


The video of the locost race from Donnington last month is now up for viewing. LINK HERE.

Video is taken from #4 aligarratt's Procomp LA and shows the usual close racing with overtaking every corner with MM clearances. Also features Brendan Dudlys bright yellow LA and Simes#43 - #6 Gloves - #14 TMC All forum members.

Enjoy watching. Although #6 Gloves you may want to miss the last corner of the last lap as it shows the incident where you where hit by #14 TMC.

Cheers Matt

[Edited on 3/9/08 by procomp]

muzchap - 3/9/08 at 11:36 AM

great vid

Probably a more defensive line needed into corner one though, on nearly every lap a car came past

Looked great down the straight though - easily made up the time, shame about the grass incident, looked like a win was on the cards

How much does it cost to race a season? I think I'd be interested


[Edited on 3/9/08 by muzchap]

procomp - 3/9/08 at 01:38 PM


Once you have your car. A seasons racing will start at 4k MIN Inc entry fees fuel for traveling and race car and a few consumable items along the way. Obviously once you add the price off B&B rather than camping Etc that will ago on top. You will encounter times when repairs off one sort or another will be needed also. Then theres testing depending on your view of whether you think it is necessary or not.

So a realistic view would be that you could do it for 6k to run for a year.

Price of a car. Well there are plenty for sale ranging from 3K that will need work doing to them up to 6k for an immaculate ready to run at the front. Or a realistic budget to build a new car to a decent spec these days is 8k - 10k.

The subject has come up for discussion before. HERE IS A LINK to that discussion. It has some helpful details on costs from some of the Locost racers.

Cheers Matt

[Edited on 3/9/08 by procomp]

simes43 - 3/9/08 at 04:04 PM

My car is based just outside Peterborough if you want to have a closer look.

In Ali's video my car is the black one with "Regency" on the back panel.

Gloves - 4/9/08 at 08:37 PM


couldn't resist a look but (un)fortunately it all happens stage left and the best you can see is Richard J managing to swerve round us. Ali will have to improve his skills as a cameraman!

Unfortunately I'm now out for the rest of the season with my wrist, and despite the bone being screwed together its still in plaster and not healing as quickly as it should.

Hopefully I will be out next season but with another sprog due in the next couple of weeks and a bit of an uphill struggle to convince the wife that racings not really dangerous I'm not sure yet.

Best of luck to all the Locost racers for a mechanically reliable and contact free final three rounds, hopefully you'll be in there with them?



procomp - 5/9/08 at 07:52 AM

Hi Mark.

Sorry to hear the injury is not healing as quick as it should. Although congrats on a new member of the family being due.

Quote " Ali will have to improve his skills as a cameraman! " He dose try to get all the action. He gets to the front then drops back again too get the better footage. Well thats his excuse anyhow.

Hopefully see you at Mallory if you are there. Although you may well be up to your neck in dirty nappies and some what deprived of sleep by then.

Cheers Matt