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I've got my SVA date......
peterparsons - 10/12/08 at 03:46 PM

I received my SVA date - 8am 18th Dec at Southampton.

He said it would take all day ........!
I'm a wreck already, cant stop the butterflies in my stomach !

dogwood - 10/12/08 at 03:53 PM

You think it's bad now ...
You wait till next Wednesday

with a day to go they won't be butterflies they will be vultures

Good luck anyway

I'm getting nervous and I ain't sent the paperwork off yet..


Danozeman - 10/12/08 at 04:06 PM

Not long now then mate. Im hoping mine comes through soon. Also hoping its not that soon as i have too much to do!!

adithorp - 10/12/08 at 04:13 PM


It's not as bad as some people would have you believe. I enjoyed mine even though I did fail on a couple of things. Make sure you take it in the best possible condition; clean and tidy. First impressions count for a lot.


jabbahutt - 10/12/08 at 04:24 PM

Totally agree with Adrian. I'd built it up to be this evil experience at the hands of a jumped up local government Hitler. truth was he was friendly helpful and fair.

Definately take it in the best finished state you can as he did say that he looks a lot closer at cars that don't look finished.

Good luck

adithorp - 10/12/08 at 05:03 PM

Even with a good first impression you'll fail if somethings wrong but when something borderline you might just get the benefit of the doubt. I had 4 testers all trying to HELP (not just go off for a brew) get mine through the emmision test!

I went to an MOT appeal test with a mate who'd bought a dodgy car a couple of weeks ago (as moral support and 'cos he hasn't a clue about cars). The tester was my SVA guy. He recognised me steight away and wanted to know how the car was, how many miles I'd done, etc. He was genuinly happy to know I was having fun with it. They're nice blokes under that white jacket!


James - 10/12/08 at 05:30 PM

My SVA inspector was a top bloke. Really helpful, friendly and made me feel at ease.

You really don't need to worry about it!

If you go in with the wrong attitude then you're going to have far more problems.

99% of people on here have reported SVA as a positive experience.

You've paid £190 for it... you might as well enjoy it.

Take plenty of tools and supplies. Take tea/coffee and biscuits (I'm sure a bag of fresh donuts won't go amiss in the SVA office) and relax!

Oh, and don't forget to stamp your chassis like I did!!!


TOO BADD - 10/12/08 at 06:56 PM

I am with the 1% as mine was a bit of crap experiance. A right tosser to be correct. I knew it as gonna fail when.. on the ramp upon high with me in the car looking down there was 3 white coats underneath checking it out.
One of the fails was reflectors exceeding by 1MM not having a radius.
Had the retest with a new examiner and he was as good as gold.
CHELMSFORD was the centre.

rusty nuts - 10/12/08 at 07:44 PM

Enjoy it!!nowhere near as bad as some make out

Simon - 10/12/08 at 08:05 PM

It's not that bad an experience - even though my first tester was a miserable old git who didn't want to be there, he was at least fair.

Now the retetst bloke was completely different. Really nice chap, keen to talk cars and even joking that my Sierra wheel wouldn't be on the car for long (I changed it while he was writing the MAC ).

Take tools as mentioned, don't get your hopes up but if you do succeed first time, it'll be a bonus



richard - 10/12/08 at 08:11 PM

nothing to worry about, but be prepared for a fail as most do but at least you then have a sheet to work through. Our examiner expalined that the only ones that seemed to pass were ones like westefield who offer pre sva tests.
Not as bad as expected but the fact that i had been to see someones else helped.
I was a bit disapointed to realise we were going to fail when he found some thing i knew we would not be able to fit on the day, but once i had come to grip to this just made the most of the experience and then set about passing the second time.

matt.c - 10/12/08 at 10:04 PM

Just been through it myself. I was a right mess the night before.

Good luck.

FEZ1025 - 11/12/08 at 06:47 AM

Originally posted by richard
nothing to worry about, but be prepared for a fail as most do but at least you then have a sheet to work through.

I've put 3 cars through, if you go with this attitude then you'll be aright. I got 3 fails with 1 pass on the day after 'tinker time' I always feel as long as there's nothing mechanically wrong & it's all about trimming then it's a pass anyway.
