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Good old DVLA it again.
rb968 - 30/4/13 at 12:07 PM

After the debacle with the DVLA at Carlisle I thought I would play it safe and send my V5, letter from MOT tester garage and photos of my engine change off to Preston.

3 weeks later no V5, no letter so I call Swansea....go through the mind boggling menu system........get a call back from Preston.

"We have no record of receiving your documents"!

Funny that I said. It was recorded delivery signed for by Andrew 7.31 am 11th April.


They checked the post book and sure enough they did get it..........but after that........either someone has wiped their arse with it or used it to prop a desk leg up.

Might have sent it to Swansea but they have never received it.......might be in a case file.....

No-one has looked at your record on the you pop down and you might have to pay £25 to get a new log book!!!


Now I have to drive from Barrow to Preston AND pay for a V5C.........

Phoned the insurance company to change the engine details.....5 mins.....checked with insurer, no increase (899cc to 2497cc) thanks a lot will email you a new certificate. Done.

Why are they so useless?


BenB - 30/4/13 at 12:40 PM

The good thing with the DVLA is they have a compensation scheme. I'd use it to get the £25 quid back. Can't see why you would have to pay for a replacement V5 when they've lost it!

ali f27 - 30/4/13 at 12:40 PM

They are just like any other gov department completely shite cameron needs to look to his own house first before he bothers to give us a hiding gov wastes more money than whole country put together only way is to keep going and jumping thier hurddles you will get best of luck

MikeRJ - 30/4/13 at 02:40 PM

Originally posted by ali f27
T gov wastes more money than whole country put together

Probably quite a lot more.

[Edited on 30/4/13 by MikeRJ]

myke pocock - 30/4/13 at 05:06 PM

When I applied for my SVA to Swansea I didnt get any contact for a few weeks so spoke to them. Item had been signed and dated on receipt by them but they didnt know who the person was and hadnt got the stuff. Nearly caused me to loose out on SVA as I was close to the closing date. Bunch of numpties!!!