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Stitcher in Spalding/Peterborough / Wisbech area?
Valtra - 27/4/09 at 08:12 PM

My wifes sewing machine is not up to doing my half hood, anybody know a good available stitcher in the area hopefully before this weekend ?

marshall - 27/4/09 at 08:17 PM

tiger might help if ask nicely. you will never no

viatron - 27/4/09 at 09:21 PM

yep, give Laura a call on 01733 271131, sure she will help if she can.

Valtra - 27/4/09 at 09:22 PM

Mmm may be worth a try but I'll ring Woolies in the morning they should have a few contacts. There is a guy in Whitlesey but he's not answering his messages so probably on his hols .


Valtra - 28/4/09 at 06:13 PM

Visited Laura at Tiger and she stiched it up while I waited fantastic service and a realy nice girl . just got to make up my boot cover now for her to stich up fit a few prss studs and
Stoneleigh here we come

will post some pictures once it's finished but looking good so far , well chuffed