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Welding Stainless Steel - tips?
bigandy - 17/2/11 at 04:44 PM

Afternoon all,

I have decided that it is about time I bought myself a welder, instead of blagging mates to weld little pieces for me, and getting annoyed when they take ages to do it. With that in mind, I would like to be able to weld stainless steel, as well as mild steel. I'm not that fussed about welding aluminium really. I can't see me ever welding anything on a big scale, or anything really thick, just your averag 3mm steel plate being about the thickest stuff I'll ever work with. I'll mainly be working with 14 gauge (or less) thickness steel and stainless tubing.

So, would a MIG welder suffice for my needs, or should I really be looking at a TIG set? I've never attempted to weld stainless steel before, so does anyone have any tips?


Peteff - 17/2/11 at 04:52 PM

A mig will do what you want. You can weld stainless with mild wire and ar/co2 gas if you just want it to hold together but to weld it properly you need stainless wire and stainshield gas

matt_gsxr - 17/2/11 at 04:58 PM

I know bugger all about welding, and am a total newbie to it, but stainless welding with MIG seems to work. You can get the disposable bottles (Argon mix) and stainless MIG wire from halfords (probably loads of better places).

I managed to make a poor job of building and exhaust and turbo manifold, but it wasn't the fault of the equipment.


RazMan - 17/2/11 at 05:00 PM

A MIG is what I use to do the same sort of stuff. Stainless is not a problem as long as you use the correct gas / wire for the job. You can get the disposable gas in Halfrauds nowadays but it can work out expensive if you do any larger jobs.

I would love to change my MIG for a TIG and learn to weld aluminium properly but the cost is just not justifiable

bigandy - 17/2/11 at 05:09 PM

I've just been looking at a few welding stuff suppliers. Would a DC TIG set be worthwhile considering? From what I can tell, a TIG set would offer me a finer control over the weld, which would be quite useful for the sort of work I am doing, where it would be beneficial to have a neat looking weld (especially if I ever want to sell any of my contraptions!). I get the impression that MIG welding might do the job, but would look a bit more crude when it comes to stainless.

I'd like to think that one day I could afford an AC set that is capable of welding aluminium, but for now, I can't stretch that far. The sort of welding I am going to be doing in the short term needs to be functional more than pretty. And by functional, the stainless steel fabrications are going to be used in some pretty mucky environments (down on the beach for example)....


matt_gsxr - 17/2/11 at 05:12 PM

I think with TIG that you get through more gas than with MIG. So disposable bottles end up being impractical with TIG as you get through them quickly (so its expensive).

bigandy - 17/2/11 at 05:13 PM

The gas costs don't really put me off, I know a few suppliers through work that might be able to "help me out" as it were... Ahem. Plus, I won't really be doing huge amounts of welding. Just a bit occasionally....


tegwin - 17/2/11 at 05:15 PM

With MIG you can weld quite crappy un-prepped metal reasonably well...

With MIG you really really need neat, well mating clean pieces to get a good weld...

I tried some stainless MIG welding with a clarke hobby mig welder and it did not work well...

Because stainless wire is so much harder than mild steel it tore the rollers appart in no time......

If you are doing a lot of small tubing and stainless especially I would go for TIG....

macc man - 17/2/11 at 05:16 PM

If you are looking for a tig welder I am thinking of upgrading mine. It is a scratch tig 150a from Clarke as new with tig torch and
accesories. U2U me if interested.Thanks Henry.

Peteff - 17/2/11 at 05:27 PM

Mig is more of a process for beginners though, if you have never tig welded have a go as it is not point and squirt like beginners mig. You need a lot more patience and skill to produce a reasonable weld on stainless with a tig and a lot more preparation and accuracy as well with gas purges to keep the inside of tubes clean and tungsten touchdowns fouling your piece and messing your arc up. If you have all the time in the world to learn, don't get disheartened easily and have set your heart on a tig then get one.

v8kid - 17/2/11 at 06:14 PM

I welded my SS exhaust using mild steel wire 2 years ago and so far not a trace of rust on the welds so it seems to me this method is OK for locost use.
I tries SS wire but the drive system was not up to it. Upgraded the drive rollers and added a separate power supply to drive them but can'y be arsed trying it out with SS wire.
Note to self - Get out into the garage quick man too much time working in front of a PC

coyoteboy - 17/2/11 at 07:02 PM

I personally find TIG about 4x easier than MIG. I just cant afford the gas.

bigandy - 18/2/11 at 09:33 AM

Hi Folks,

I've been doing a bit of searching, and found a couple of units on Ebay that are within my budget (Just!). What are peoples opinions on these:

AC DC TIG WELDER ALI S/TEEL UK SELLER last few £349 on eBay (end time 18-Feb-11 21:26:14 GMT)

AC DC TIG WELDER MMA WELDS ALI S/TEEL UK SELLER on eBay (end time 20-Feb-11 21:03:40 GMT)

They seem to be very well priced, but I'm a bit wary that they are chinese rubbish. A quick search on the net has revealed that they occasionally suffer reliability issues, but there are just as many good reports. Bearing in mind this is for hobby use, not industrial use (and no I can't stretch to any more cash for a 2nd hand industrial unit!).

Or, am I better off spending a similar amount on a DC only machine that is slightly better specced or a better brand?


v8kid - 18/2/11 at 09:46 AM

My bro in law bought one of these to keep on his boat and he only uses it to dc stick weld! Swears by it and he has a very expensive American one back in the workshop so I guess that says summat.