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Aluminium Bonnet
rucksak - 23/11/13 at 09:29 PM

Hi, Has anyone ever put hinges on a locost aluminum bonnet so it will open and stay on the car rather than having to keep removing it possibly causing damage, which would be the best way, hinges to one side so the bonnet opens side ways or hinges by the windscreen to lift straight up from the front.
Any pics would be great as i am just toying with ideas.

Ben_Copeland - 23/11/13 at 09:33 PM

Don't think it would be strong enough on the side. You could hinge it at the scuttle or attach it to the nose cone and hinge all of it

MikeR - 23/11/13 at 10:41 PM

What is the aim?

Old skool approach would be to hinge in the middle from screen to nose.

rucksak - 23/11/13 at 10:58 PM

Not a bad idea, but i would like to lift the whole bonnet in one go.

Mave - 24/11/13 at 08:21 AM

I have it hinged on the scuttle, as having it not hinged would be terrible in my small garage: where do I put it when I need to be underneath it? Do remember to close it properly though, because recently I had it open up on the highway, smashing the windscreen and almost folding the aluminium bonnet..... Because it is attached, it remains connected to the car, and it is quite an experience not being able to see straight forward at highway speeds.....
(Luckily the road was empty, so I could pull over safely)

mark chandler - 24/11/13 at 09:19 AM

Wheels and tyres 3
Wheels and tyres 3


rucksak - 24/11/13 at 12:20 PM

They both look cool, many thanks for the pics

rucksak - 24/11/13 at 12:22 PM

They Mave, what hinges did you use?

Mave - 24/11/13 at 12:58 PM

I forgot the exact origin, but they are quite common. I bought mine new on Ebay, but I'm sure you can buy them at a lot of kitcar shops as well (I just checked CBS, but couldn't find them).

Here you can see them a bit better.

iank - 24/11/13 at 01:27 PM

Look like Hillman imp hinges. If you put them on the front (assuming there are suitable strong points to mount them) then the bonnet flying up wouldn't be a problem.

stevio73 - 24/11/13 at 01:34 PM

I can see a problem there Mave. Your steering wheel is at the passenger side

Actually, good point on securing the bonnet down firmly, I had the same happen to me many moons ago in an old Orion of all things. It's one of those things that only ever happens once to you. Paranoia sets in after a little bum twitching off road experience when you can't see. I've been known to check, re-check and then check again whenever I've been under a bonnet now.