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bought Tim c's vortx
daniel mason - 13/2/09 at 06:20 PM

As you well know i have been after another 7 for a while now and have just made securing patment for tim c's mnr. Its going to mnr next week for completion and am highly delighted! sva paperwork being done so hopefully will be on the road in a month.Would like to thank tim and the guys from mnr for fitting me in,in time for an sva!

ashg - 13/2/09 at 06:43 PM

make sure your sva paperwork is posted off before the end of next week or you risk iva

knowing this country either royal mail will lose it or it will arrive and sit on someones desk for a week.

daniel mason - 13/2/09 at 07:12 PM

engine number is going in tomorrow and its being sent straight away.cheers tho!

bassett - 14/2/09 at 12:27 AM

From seeing Tims blog looks like you have bought a superb car at a steal. All the best with completing it.

daniel mason - 14/2/09 at 09:23 AM

thanks for the kind words adam,

bitsilly - 16/2/09 at 11:38 AM

I live down the road from Tim and watched his build closely. I would say you will not get a better built car. He was an absolute perfectionist, no mere washers for Tim if he could get away with a hand lathed aero-aluminium custom made spacer!
I seriously considered buying it a while ago for nearly 2K more than you paid!
You are one lucky fellah.

TimC - 21/2/09 at 01:04 PM

Good Luck with it Dan.

daniel mason - 21/2/09 at 07:02 PM

cheers tim, i dont know a massive ammount about kit cars but i know that you have have done a great job with it up to now.i will make sure i do it justice,i can promise you that.Hope you won your game today