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SVA Date
spdpug98 - 25/2/09 at 01:11 PM

As everyone was posting that they had recieved their SVA date, I was worrying as they have had my papers for 10 days and not heard anything

A quick call to VOSA who put me through to Taunton Testing Centre and 5 minutes later I had a date.

Monday 27th April - at least it gives me some time to get it built!

chris_smith - 25/2/09 at 01:13 PM

Thats just what i did this morning

vinny1275 - 25/2/09 at 01:14 PM

How come you're not going for Southampton then?

tendoshingan - 25/2/09 at 01:14 PM

I had to wait 2 weeks for mine.
Mines 13th march at Yeading
Yep, Friday 13th!!
Should I take an ice-hockey mask and dagger just in case???

spdpug98 - 25/2/09 at 03:18 PM

Originally posted by vinny1275
How come you're not going for Southampton then?

I have heard too many bad stories!!

Also, when I built the Cobra with my father in law 6/7 years ago, everyone from the Cobra community said to stay away from Southampton and it has just stuck really.

When we had the test on the Cobra at Taunton they where fantastic and the couple of issues we had they showed us how to overcome them, we fixed it and got a 1st time pass

bassett - 25/2/09 at 05:44 PM

Good news Dave, you want to swap as ive got the 30th of March and i rekon at your speed yours will be done first

spdpug98 - 25/2/09 at 06:00 PM

Originally posted by bassett
Good news Dave, you want to swap as ive got the 30th of March and i rekon at your speed yours will be done first


They did offer me 13th March first but that was way too soon, I am hoping to be finished by the end of March (if I stick to my plan) so should give me a few weeks to sort all the SVA and other small bits out

Keep up the good work and you will be fine

otodb - 25/2/09 at 07:54 PM

SVA info:-

I've just signed up to this site, I've brought an MGB engine & gearbox to make a Locost MG special & will try to post the build as it progresses

I built a Ferrari P4 replica (a Foreman Mk4) & had the SVA done at Birmingham Nov 2007 they were very helpfull & had no problems at all. I will still keep the P4 & build the locost alongside it.

All the best,
