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GeorgeM - 25/2/09 at 05:09 PM

looks like in trying to be the last application vosa will accept
sent forms off today (special delivery) to make sure they get them.
Sent to new address.
Hopefully i've sent everything they need

Think i'll ring them tomorrow to make sure though


eddie99 - 25/2/09 at 05:15 PM

Also sent off my forms today, took them direct to edmonton this morning and they wouldnt accept so have sent to swansea, hopefully wont get lost.

f1ngers - 25/2/09 at 05:15 PM

It might be me!
I started filling them in today but ran out of time so I am planning to post them tomorrow

Steve P - 26/2/09 at 07:03 AM

Is it ready yet then george? must try to pop round now its running.

GeorgeM - 26/2/09 at 03:01 PM

hi steve, wiring nearly finished, should be running
again by the weekend!!
Bleed brakes this weekend - could do some grasstracking
in the garden then
