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How to mount Nose Cone
first350 - 11/3/11 at 05:38 PM

I've already mounted my nose cone and everything lines up…I'm using nut plates on the top chassis rails w/ bolts and wide washers to secure it. My issue is that once I have my exhaust/turbo and Intake/piping installed, I won't have easy access to the nose cone bolts.

How have others dealt w/ this? I've been thinking of doing Dzuz D-ring style fasteners (similar to many motorcycles)…but that adds the D-ring heads to the outside of the nose cone.

Here's some pics of my current set-up.

Side shot…you can see the end of the nose cone is very close to the engine

Looking forward into the nose cone. On the left side you can see the bolts securing the nose cone. (it's the same on the right side)

Top veiw: Once the intake and exhaust are installed, there's no way my arm will reach the bolt heads.

Krismc - 11/3/11 at 05:53 PM

Mines also tight, i fixed at front corner on either side and then made brackets that attach from front of nose cone too the first chassis rail under the car.

first350 - 11/3/11 at 05:59 PM

Originally posted by Krismc
Mines also tight, i fixed at front corner on either side and then made brackets that attach from front of nose cone too the first chassis rail under the car.

So you fasten it from underneath? any pics?


jossey - 11/3/11 at 08:05 PM

Alan m just uploaded these

have a look at his other pics.

that looks like the best way as you can roll it forward to get to rad etc.

only change i would make is i woudl add the hinge to the inside of the nose. aint got to that yet so there maybe a reason he hasnt.



first350 - 11/3/11 at 08:41 PM

^ thanks for the pic - I've thought about a hinge, but I don't think it'd help b/c I still need to secure the top somehow.

maybe BEC guys just have more room around the nose cone??

jossey - 11/3/11 at 08:51 PM

oh ye bec guys will have more room i have a tiny rad and oil rad infront of the chassis so it will easy rotate to gain access.

i would try make sure you can get the nose off pretty easy if you need to.

Maybe you can use welded nuts on the underside of the main chassis rail and sliding through the nose cone but put a butterfly style nut on the top so you can get it off without a nightmare.

good luck with it though.


daniel mason - 12/3/11 at 09:14 PM

you could fit another set of rubber bonnet catches on the outside to secure the nose from the back, and make a pair of L-shaped alloy brackets bolted to the underside of the steering rack mounts! i used riv nuts like you on the inside but made mounts for the bottom edge. take a look in my blog. the nose fits perfectly.

first350 - 13/3/11 at 03:49 PM

thanks guys...once I get the turbo and intake piping installed, I'll take another look to see how far I can get my arm in there. the lower mount sounds like a good idea!

daniel mason - 13/3/11 at 03:56 PM

this is what i did to secure the front