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vortx dash test
Dillinger1977 - 8/1/06 at 10:22 PM

hello chaps,

just fiddling with photoshop to try out a dash idea I had. i want to use that sheet carbon effect plastic stuff to make a dashboard shape. mainly to calm the WALL OF ORANGE COLOUR down a bit.

is this sort of thing doable for SVA, or will i need to round the edges of it off a bit? (its 2mm deep afaik)

standard r1 00/01 clocks, 2 fan/fog switches and a brake light. minimalist, but i like it that way. (might be tempted for a fuel guage later though!!)

what do you think? (the steering wheel will obviously be changed post-sva!)



tom court - 8/1/06 at 10:34 PM

looks very cool
is it the plastic effect carbon, how did u cut it ?

RichieC - 8/1/06 at 10:45 PM

Looks good to me mate, tempting me back away from using a digidash cos I really like the R1 clocks.

As for the SVA question, I honestly couldnt say whether theyd count that as a projection and therefore be subject to the radius issue. If its not too hard to radius, Id do it just to be sure, otherwise ask them directly.



donut - 8/1/06 at 10:47 PM

Crumbs! very nice!!!!

muzchap - 8/1/06 at 11:19 PM

Looks awesome! :-)

Are you fitting any other dials?

Perhaps you could get TRITON to mould that whole segment for you - so the clocks sit inside a nicely radiused housing - with the carbon trim of course

If quite a few people are planning the same - you might be able to do a deal?

It'll look very professional then - which i'm sure the SVA Man will appreciate :-)

smart51 - 9/1/06 at 08:15 AM

Carbon effect plastic is just plastic with a stick carbon effect film stuck to it. Why not just use the carbon effect film? It is about 0.05mm thick and so can be cut with a sharp knife and will stick to the vortx dash without having a raised edge. Its also stretchy and so can be wrapped around the return edges around the steering column. You can also wrap it around the curved lower edge. Much neater.

I got some off eBay but companies that do car panel wraps should be able to supply it. They may even be abe to laser cut it if you can supply a CAD template.

Dillinger1977 - 9/1/06 at 08:25 AM

that might be a better idea colin, in which case i could be tempted to do the whole lower part of the scuttle (like the orange MNR car with inlaid CF) which looks great!

i'll have a look about for some film

viatron - 9/1/06 at 09:10 AM

Dont tnink SVA will be a problem at that thickness, bouight a couple of sheets of this myself and the chap i bought it off said a router was the best way to get a good edge when trimming / cutting it.

NB: iof you do use a router then you could use a quarter round bit to radius it anyway.

Agriv8 - 9/1/06 at 09:22 AM

HI Rog,

I am sure someone will correct me if I am wrong - but anything that is within the steering wheel radius plus 172mm ( please check before commiting ) is ok to be non radiused .

May be worth looking at the radius of the clocks before as well. All the gauges ont' V8 are withing this measurement. as the beveles are border line !.

A length ou U trim rubber arroung the Carbon affect plastic, is another option for SVA. I have donne this arround the exhaust exit pltes on the side of mine ( more a case of hiding dodgy cutting than SVA )

Dillinger1977 - 9/1/06 at 09:32 AM

heh heh!

the clocks -should- fall within the steering wheel radius (with gigantic sierra wheel fitted) but i was unsure of the carbon stuff just going past the radius.
the U trim is an option that could work well.

thinking about it, the stone chip guards on the rear wheel arches are the same material. do these need U trim for sva, or is that area exempt from the testing?

Agriv8 - 9/1/06 at 09:52 AM

Rog - would leave the rear protector's off until after SVA as I am unsure about the radius unless you are already commited of course !!

Dillinger1977 - 9/1/06 at 10:05 AM

not yet...
good thing im so blummin slow isnt it?

amalyos - 9/1/06 at 11:13 AM

The dash looks great, I may pinch the idea if thats ok, as mine will be a bit bright as well!!

G.Man - 9/1/06 at 12:08 PM

Looks great Roger...

Winston Todge - 9/1/06 at 12:19 PM

What have you got left to do now then mate?

Dash looks wicked.

Take it easy,


Dillinger1977 - 9/1/06 at 01:29 PM

cheers chaps!
i still havent 'done' the dash yet, as i said its just a photo manipulation job to see what it would look like but i think that it'd be a good way to do it.

whats left? ooh. lots. ive done next to nothing since the last time i posted as ive got loads of 'other' work on at the moment.

its mainly wiring and cables before i get the engine fired up, and some 'finishing' stuff like boot panels + dash.
i was terrified of the wiring but ive just got a bit casual about the whole thing now and am going to have a go whether i make an arse of it or not.

JoaoCaldeira - 9/1/06 at 01:40 PM

Here's a great idea... Mine will be orange, too, so beyond sun glasses, this could be the best bet...
