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Max' Seat Width on Vortx
TimC - 13/9/06 at 07:12 PM


Can anyone tell me what's the maximum width of seat you can get in the Vortx?

What I'd really like to know is the width at the back and also the width where the front of the seat would be...



fesycresy - 13/9/06 at 07:21 PM

Are you still making that charitable donation to the gym ?

Black bag and expanding foam

smart51 - 13/9/06 at 07:35 PM

Its the same width all the way along. I don't know off hand other than I seem to recal that the new chassis is 28mm wider than the old on either side. Also the tunnel is a bit narrower than a locost, making it wider still.

I have intatrim odysey seats (which are 360mm wide at the base) and there is a good gap on either side. 400mm would fit well, 420mm maybe.

Dillinger1977 - 13/9/06 at 07:49 PM

430 absolute maximum, and its straight (same front+back)

TimC - 14/9/06 at 07:39 AM

Originally posted by fesycresy
Are you still making that charitable donation to the gym ?

People living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones - remember that in passing you told me what you weigh..... HOW MANY STONE???

Everyone else - Cheers!