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gr8ging - 20/3/07 at 07:54 PM


Does anyone know of anywhere that has lots of pictures of completed MNR's. I've seen the ones on their web site. but would like to see more shots and from more angles.


coozer - 20/3/07 at 07:56 PM

Have you checked out the links to peoples websites? There are some on there, as well as google images

gr8ging - 20/3/07 at 08:17 PM

google images is rubbish got about 5 or 6 different ones.

checked out you build diary, looks good. How do people find the time to build and put a diary on the web?

You can't search the photo archive on here...can you?

Agriv8 - 20/3/07 at 11:31 PM

let me know what you want as I have 1 or 2 lying about of different MNR's.

there are some very good photos in total kit car - plus not too shabby writeup ( even get mention myself )

olny availbe at big WHSmiths and big tesco's



smart51 - 21/3/07 at 08:12 AM

Here's one of mine. I wish i'd washed it first now. Rescued attachment votrx.JPG
Rescued attachment votrx.JPG

alanr - 21/3/07 at 08:38 AM

Here's mine (up for sale at the moment) Rescued attachment cropped.jpg
Rescued attachment cropped.jpg

marc n - 21/3/07 at 07:41 PM

i have a whole load on a disc will upload some tomorrow if my computer plays ball



gr8ging - 21/3/07 at 08:02 PM


I'm trying to find as many on here as I can in peoples photo archive.

As soon as I finish DIY projects ( wife has made this a condition of build!) I think I am going to make a trip up to your workshop. End of the summer I expect. I think I am now being swayed towards your Vortx. Do you still do the old style nose?

road warrior - 22/3/07 at 04:11 AM

I put a couple of new pics in my archive. Orange with old nose and full race cage.

clutch_kick - 23/3/07 at 01:32 PM

Road Warrior, You've got a full cage on. Just how hard/ how does the Glassfigre body go onto the chassis?

I have to put-off the project a while longer due to some house-building commitments (the bloody permits cost me a lot), since i'll be getting most of the money back, i'm thinking of getting a caged kit too.

road warrior - 23/3/07 at 02:55 PM

hi clutch_kick

The bodywork is trimmed around the front support so once that is done the bodywork fit is the same as without the cage. I have just received a new chassis with the new style cage that comes in behind the scuttle so it is even easier.

These cages are exceptionally strong and well worth the extra cost, especially if your looking at track use.

clutch_kick - 23/3/07 at 03:00 PM

oh great!!! no unfortunately the closest track to us is in Scicily a 3hr Catamaran trip, and a further 2hr drive, so i would only be doing some hillclimbing here with it.

The cage would come in very handy, especially since most people here drive like lunatics on the roads.

Agriv8 - 23/3/07 at 03:10 PM

Originally posted by road warrior
hi clutch_kick

The bodywork is trimmed around the front support so once that is done the bodywork fit is the same as without the cage. I have just received a new chassis with the new style cage that comes in behind the scuttle so it is even easier.

These cages are exceptionally strong and well worth the extra cost, especially if your looking at track use.

Ahh the new one arrived down under as well then. I do like the new style cage it less obtrusive to the sleek line of the MNR.

I think that Marc plans that all full cages follows the 'internal lines' to enable a possible full screen and hardtop as this would make it eligible for more race classes - hope that wasnt a secret that I wasn't supposed to let out of the bag. .

As Marc makes hs own cages ( including ones for old TVR's !!!! ) The external option would be avalable if demanded. as can be seen on my supper high roll over bar !!!

Hope to have some photo's of Mathew's v8 race car after this weekend Donnington race ( providing i remeber my camera ) this is fitted with the internal style cage in MNR Red and blue racing coulours.


[Edited on 23/3/07 by Agriv8]

marc n - 29/3/07 at 07:35 PM

heres my car Rescued attachment Donington 250307 017.jpg
Rescued attachment Donington 250307 017.jpg

marc n - 29/3/07 at 07:36 PM

and the v8 car Rescued attachment Donington 250307 022.jpg
Rescued attachment Donington 250307 022.jpg

amalyos - 29/3/07 at 08:13 PM

The cars look great Marc, hope to be at Lyden, will pop in and say hello.


marc n - 29/3/07 at 09:02 PM


The cars look great Marc, hope to be at Lyden, will pop in and say hello.

i actually prefer the v8 car with full cage to my own, if i have time i might convert mine to full cage
hope to see you at lyden

best regards


rjbrookes - 30/3/07 at 09:50 AM

Me and my car at Oulton Park......

(now i got proof that it works!!!! )

[Edited on 30/3/07 by rjbrookes]