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Brief Intro
Davey D - 20/6/07 at 02:23 PM

Hi all,

Just a quick intro from myself. i have been pondering on the idea of building up my own kitcar around 2009 time. i came along to the Newark Kitcar show on saturday the 16th for some inspiration and ideas. i had been planning on building up a Dax Rush after doing some reading up on them, and was looking forward to seeing their stand. unfortunately though they didnt make it .
whilst browsing around the indoor section i came across the MNR stand, and instantly fell in love... with the cars... not with the people who work there

after a good chat with one of the guys who works at MNR, and one of the owners ( with the red Hayabusa VortX RT+ .sorry i forget both your names) i am very much psyched about building one up now, and im planning on starting this year

i am going to be putting my baby up for sale ( will be very sad to see it go, as ive had it 5 years) and then getting all the parts to build up a VortX RT+

so Ill be lurking around these boards a bit

Attached is a pic of my current baby im going to be selling to fund the VortX. its a Nissan 200sx running 300bhp

[Edited on 20/6/07 by Davey D]

[Edited on 20/6/07 by Davey D]

speedyxjs - 20/6/07 at 02:35 PM

If you post an ad for your nissan someone on here might be interested

Ivan - 20/6/07 at 02:38 PM

Welcome - best looking "baby" I've seen in a while - normally they're squishy and smelly things

ned - 20/6/07 at 02:43 PM

That 'baby' would make a nice donor car

but maybe better selling and using the £ to buy some bits

ayoungman - 20/6/07 at 03:03 PM

Welcome DaveyD. You clearly feel the need for speed

How much for the nissan out of interest ?

chockymonster - 20/6/07 at 03:14 PM


Good choice!
Like yourself I made the move from turbo nutter jap car to a BEC RT+

Here's a picture of what I swapped for the Vortx

twybrow - 20/6/07 at 03:52 PM

Same here (but not to a MNR). Sold an Impreza to fund a bike engined Stuart Taylor build. Welcome and good luck.

Davey D - 20/6/07 at 03:58 PM

Originally posted by ayoungman
Welcome DaveyD. You clearly feel the need for speed

How much for the nissan out of interest ?

i do indeed. cant wait to get building my own little rocket ship hehe. Im going to put the SX up for £7000 ono

Davey D - 20/6/07 at 04:03 PM

Originally posted by chockymonster

Good choice!
Like yourself I made the move from turbo nutter jap car to a BEC RT+

Here's a picture of what I swapped for the Vortx

ooh nice... is that a V or a VI ? id love an Evo, but i think building a kitcar is Much better V.F.M and has limitless potential. much easier for trackwork too, as i can stick it on a trailer, and drive it there and back, where as when i did trackdays in the SX i drove it there, and back.... if anything had happened on track, then it would have caused problems getting it home

James - 20/6/07 at 04:34 PM

Originally posted by Davey D
Originally posted by ayoungman
Welcome DaveyD. You clearly feel the need for speed

How much for the nissan out of interest ?

i do indeed. cant wait to get building my own little rocket ship hehe. Im going to put the SX up for £7000 ono

Damn I like that car!

Have wanted an SX for years. Not sure I want one £7k's worth though!


TimC - 20/6/07 at 04:42 PM

Hello & welcome. You won't be dissappointed with the RT+!

Dillinger1977 - 20/6/07 at 05:54 PM

welcome to the fold, as it were!
it sounds like you've met 'the Hills', they're a very funny pair!
(and made a beautiful red R1 mnr before flogging it to make the Busa one)

enjoy the build!

Agriv8 - 20/6/07 at 06:23 PM

I can confirm that the hill's car was the Hyabusa one. And it looks bloomin good too !!! Richard and his dad have an eye for detail.

Welcolm on board I am the tall one that was floating arround the stand.

Kind regards


TimC - 21/6/07 at 07:48 AM

Richard was a useful guy to chat with when I met him at Mallory.

marc n - 21/6/07 at 09:48 AM

hi davey
sure i spoke to you at the show ????
welcome to the site
the hills are notorious for building fantastic cars with great attention to detail, their newest car is another cracker

best regards


Davey D - 22/6/07 at 11:30 AM

i think i saw 2 of you form MMR. i was directed to the older chap to speak to. i have a business card, and going by the address on it he was called chris? after talking, and getting a price list he took down my name & address details on a list

chockymonster - 22/6/07 at 12:01 PM


It's a V.
As a track weapon it was an expensive hobby.
You won't be disappointed with the RT+, Marc has designed a fantastic car and his inability to not stop developing means it will keep on improving

Davey D - 22/6/07 at 12:14 PM

Yeah i can imagine. my tyres are £130 / corner, and pads are about £120 for the fronts, so it can get very expensive replacing all the consumables

JoaoCaldeira - 22/6/07 at 09:23 PM


You are with right people now
This is a great track weapon, and you can do trackday after trackday with the same tires / pads, etc...
