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MNR Rorty Uprights - Pictures
TimC - 11/12/07 at 05:19 PM

Hi All

Does anyone have pics of MNRs steel fabricated uprights?



Agriv8 - 11/12/07 at 06:36 PM

No but I might be able to get some :-)

Me and Jnr are going for a drive the give SWMBO an hour or 2 off.



chockymonster - 11/12/07 at 08:26 PM

Joao has some pictures on his build site of the Rorty uprights from MNR

TimC - 11/12/07 at 09:28 PM

Cheers Paul.

If anyone finds a pair of silver 'tina uprights and raceleda discs in a wheelie bin somewhere (dumped by Mr Postie) they're mine.


Agriv8 - 11/12/07 at 09:44 PM


Thats real pants maybe they are with Worx's bits.

Post up here really sh!t at the mo.

When did they leave ?



TimC - 11/12/07 at 09:54 PM

Worx's bits are my bits. (Steve's finishing my car for me.)

Sent over a fortnight ago. 24/11/07 Not good.

worX - 12/12/07 at 06:16 AM

welderman - 12/12/07 at 08:25 AM

Ive got something in the post coming to me which is alot to mate, if that goes missing then im going to burn the depot down.
Gutted for you mate.

Triton - 23/12/07 at 08:00 PM

My crimbo present from northants has gone walkabout as well........ Think a pair of seats have too......


TimC - 24/12/07 at 08:16 AM

I think we should find-out if there are any postmen on here. They're clearly building a car for less than £250.

GeorgeM - 24/12/07 at 09:07 PM

Don't suppose I'm the only one that received
a letter from the Royal Mail (no, not Charles)
last week. Lots of apologies about the poor service
and strikes, and promises that all the backlog
is clear.
I still have post not delivered, even the one I sent
to myself (at work)
The mail is getting worse all the time. My brother
recently sent a parcel on 48hr guaranteed delivery
from the west country to Essex, they tracked it as it was
late. The postman in Carlisle couldn't find the address to
deliver to!!! It arrived after 5 days.
It's not just Royal Mail either, a carrier at work tried to
deliver 3 parcels to us, one was for someone else. When
we showed him, he said that he hadn't looked at the
label, he just took the next 3 boxes, it was the fault of
the person who loaded the van for not putting them
on in the right order
Humbug to all the people who don't give a damn about
doing their jobs. This country is just getting worse.

On the other hand, merry Christmas to all who do give
a damn

TimC - 11/1/08 at 04:47 PM

Unbelievably... my uprights arrived back at Steve's today - how bonkers-mad is that? We'll be sending a courier this time!! Woo!

Did I mention Woo!?

Johneturbo - 11/1/08 at 05:54 PM

OMG how bonkers!!!111111111

GeorgeM - 11/1/08 at 08:15 PM

Oh happy days, I received a parcel posted 1st class
in Cambridge on 21/12/07 today. Looks like postie
is emptying their depots after their 3 week
christmas party. Probably got fed up with
pass the parcel & musical chairs

TimC - 11/1/08 at 09:13 PM

I play rugby with three posties - they have no idea what hard work looks like.

GeorgeM - 11/1/08 at 10:19 PM

Do they ever loose the ball?