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I've seen the new MG
David Jenkins - 10/7/11 at 09:48 AM

Me & the missus were in Colchester the other day, and came across one of the new MGs parked in a square (local garage's sales pitch, I guess).

What a sad uninspiring non-entity of a car, with no distinguishing features whatsoever... it was even painted dark metallic grey!

I can't see it becoming any sort of success...

PSpirine - 10/7/11 at 09:52 AM

I've seen about 5 around here in the Cotswolds.

Yes, it's a typical "new car", but I have to say, it's not bad looking and it's certainly not the outdated stuff they were designing late into their declining years.

I'd actually be interested to have a close up look at one and see what the quality is (or isn't) like.

Kwik - 10/7/11 at 09:56 AM

at least it isnt a bad car...

i want MG to go big again, i like their older cars...

mookaloid - 10/7/11 at 10:33 AM

Originally posted by David Jenkins

What a sad uninspiring non-entity of a car, with no distinguishing features whatsoever

I can't see it becoming any sort of success...

I agree - although I haven't seen one in the flesh, the photos don't make it look any different from any other family hatch. It could have been made by anyone from Hyundai to Renault and sticking an MG badge on it isn't going to convince many people IMHO..

James - 10/7/11 at 10:41 AM

Originally posted by Kwik
at least it isnt a bad car...

i want MG to go big again, i like their older cars...

And us give even more money to China?

No thanks!!!

scootz - 10/7/11 at 11:02 AM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
What a sad uninspiring non-entity of a car, with no distinguishing features whatsoever...

I guess you've not been paying attention to MG's of the 80's, 90's and 00's! *

* Notwithstanding the SV!

matt_gsxr - 10/7/11 at 11:09 AM

A photo was required.

I think these are made (does that mean assembled) in Longbridge, so a bit more English than many.

plentywahalla - 10/7/11 at 11:41 AM

Well, at least its an all new car.

Which is more than the thieving scum who ran MG/Rover into the ground ever managed!

morcus - 11/7/11 at 02:26 AM

They look better in real life than in pictures in my opinion. They are a bit Generic but they look alright. Much better than the Barry boy looks of the last MG's.

David Jenkins - 11/7/11 at 07:15 AM

I think that picture flatters it too much!

Simon - 11/7/11 at 07:20 PM

Originally posted by plentywahalla
Well, at least its an all new car.

Which is more than the thieving scum who ran MG/Rover into the ground ever managed!

MG R had a new lineup almost ready for production including new engines that were Euro 5 compliant. Far more advanced than anything else at the time that MG R collapsed.

Maybe the "thieving scum" had spent a little too much on R&D.



swanny - 11/7/11 at 07:44 PM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
I think that picture flatters it too much!


soft focus?

David Jenkins - 11/7/11 at 07:57 PM

No - that photo makes it look vaguely interesting - in real life I thought it looked like any other Eurobox saloon.

britishtrident - 11/7/11 at 08:02 PM

Just to put all of the above into perspective

(1) it is a Longbridge design they still employs ex-MG-Rover designers.
(2) It uses a lot of Rover 75 inspired engineering at the front (complete front subframe) combined with a Rover 25 style engineering at the rear rear -----
(3) The engines are essential the same
(4) The frontal styling on all new car models is severely limited by pedestrian impact rules and aero drag reduction, a bit like F1 all the cars look much the same because they have to meet the same regs.
(5) Remember it should have really hit the market about 4 years back.

Puzzled - 11/7/11 at 08:03 PM

As a totally neutral observer -- It never caeses to amaze me , the way British people are constantly running down their OWN!!!! . OK granted the MG marque belongs to China,but,dont forget the design is 100% british. The cars are still assembled in GB providing SOME badly needed jobs.Instead of always looking for the negative things, -- why dont you people look for the positive . Why not at least TRY to support British innovation and industry?.
Yeah we know all about the "Robber Barons" the "Asset Strippers" and their ilk, but is"nt it great to see Norton , Triumph , and others making a comeback??!!!. The once GREAT BRITISH engineering industry will NEVER make a comeback if they are not supported. Dont know about you guys , I"ve a pain in my arse looking at Hondas, Citreons,Etc Etc Etc. ITS YOUR FAULT FOR NOT SUPPORTING THE BRITISH CAR INDUSTRY AND ALLOWING THESE NONDESCRIPT BORING EFFORTS ON TO YOUR ROADS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


David Jenkins - 11/7/11 at 09:13 PM

Hmm - strong words!

I was mostly bemoaning the lack of originality in the design - I wish it was better, such that it would stand a chance of success.

No more, no less.

plentywahalla - 11/7/11 at 09:39 PM

Originally posted by Simon
Originally posted by plentywahalla
Well, at least its an all new car.

Which is more than the thieving scum who ran MG/Rover into the ground ever managed!

MG R had a new lineup almost ready for production including new engines that were Euro 5 compliant. Far more advanced than anything else at the time that MG R collapsed.

Maybe the "thieving scum" had spent a little too much on R&D.



Maybe .... but they also spent far too much lining their own pockets and pensions. They wasted the cash and car stock inheritance left by BMW. They hived off the leasing company (the only profitable subsidiary) into their personal holdings.

I'm not knocking British industry at all. But car companies should not be seen as an extension of the walfare state. If the Labour government had let Alchemy Partners take over the company then MG would probably still be British, and building cars in Britain. Not a screwdriver operation for chinese components.

skodaman - 11/7/11 at 09:46 PM

MG diehards might still buy them but it is a Chinese made car car. Originally Rover designed and assembled here doesn't take away that fact. Chinese build quality combined with Rover design. I'd rather walk.
PS Just scrapped my Rover 800. Must've weighed much more than it should cos of all the water that's leaked in. Got 224 quid for it.

Badger_McLetcher - 11/7/11 at 10:13 PM

I have to say to me the design is uninspiring, and from what I've seen there is nothing special about it.
TBH I want British industry and engineering to make a return because we're producing top rate items that people want, not because people are "sympathy" buying cars in some misguided attempt to reverse 30 years of mismanagement and neglect. Also lets not forget that the majority of the profit of this car would go to China, and they're doing well enough on their own!

Simon - 11/7/11 at 10:42 PM

Originally posted by Puzzled
As a totally neutral observer -- It never caeses to amaze me , the way British people are constantly running down their OWN!!!! .

I sold my ZT260 cos brown was threatening to make me pay £400 year rfl, and even more amusingly labour are whingeing about the Bombardier jobs going to Germany, when they let MG R go the China. And don't come up with European rules as an excuse, if Peugeot/Renault etc were in a similar state, the French gov would tell the EU were to go, so that shows a lack of spine on their (labour) part. I bought french cos no-one makes an mpv here, though if I'd have known how economical Jags are, I'd have prob bought a diesel one of them. Their fault for not publicising it.

We still have my wifes ZR (after 6 years).

