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Tricky hole enlargement in dashboard.
David Jenkins - 9/3/09 at 12:43 PM

My dashboard has a hole where a push-button used to be; it's about 20mm in diameter.

I now want to fit a different button, but it will need to have a recess of around 25mm diameter, 5mm deep, around the original hole.

Can anyone suggest a way of cutting this recess?

matt_claydon - 9/3/09 at 12:44 PM

What is the dash made of and how thick is it?

David Jenkins - 9/3/09 at 12:52 PM


Marine ply, around 12mm thick.

[Edited on 9/3/09 by David Jenkins]

IDONTBELEIVEIT - 9/3/09 at 12:53 PM

maybe a router with 25dia plunge bit

Paul TigerB6 - 9/3/09 at 12:55 PM

25mm flat wood drill bit?? Might need to glue a piece of wood to the rear of the dash temporarily to allow the wood drill to centre on that.


jlparsons - 9/3/09 at 12:59 PM

Draw it up and dremel it if I were you. Score the line through the first ply with a stanley knife so it doesn't splinter, then use a fine router-type bit.

Caveat - only if you have a steady hand mind! If not, go with the above.

Moorron - 9/3/09 at 01:12 PM

cone cutter drill bit?


adithorp - 9/3/09 at 01:12 PM

I'd glue a bit of wood accross the back of the hole. Drill a centre in that and then use a 25mm hole-saw and prise the piece off after. Dremel would be second choice because it needs a steady hand.


matt_claydon - 9/3/09 at 01:37 PM

I think the quickest and easiset way is to glue a piece of wood on the back to hold the tip and use a (nice sharp!) flat wood bit or holesaw.

David Jenkins - 9/3/09 at 01:58 PM

I'm thinking of changing my mind... I might drill right through (rather than creating a step) and then mount a plate behind the hole. The button's shroud can then fit through the dash, rather than sit on the surface.

I'll probably use an amalgam of the ideas you've all posted - I'll turn a wooden plug to fit in the existing hole, then use that to locate a flat bit.

Thanks to all,


(now go and answer my question in Electrical re. starter solenoid current! )

neilj37 - 9/3/09 at 02:26 PM

I would have just clamped a second piece of wood to the back and used that to centre a hole saw.

cjtheman - 9/3/09 at 05:02 PM

second the cone cutter (step drill )
will work every time

Mix - 9/3/09 at 05:03 PM


If you want to maintain the step then use a bearing guided router bit, the finish will be as good as your original hole.

Regards Mick