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Wiring Advice.
Ian Pearson - 9/12/09 at 11:33 PM

Hi All,
Just bought one of these, Control Box, but it came with no wiring diagram.

It has two switches, a stop button fitted with 1 N/C contact block, and a start button fitted with 1 N/O contact block. Similar to this:

Normally Closed

Normally Open

It’s to control an electric motor, and I have no idea how to wire it up. Could one of you kind folk write a brief numpty’s guide for me??



big-vee-twin - 10/12/09 at 09:32 AM

It looks like you will need to wire a latching relay from the start button - power through the green button to relay coil, the relay will need two sets open contacts one to switch your motor and the second set to be wired in parallel with the start button so when the relay has pulled in and you take your finger off the button it stays in.

Then wire the red stop button in series with the coil to interupt it and switch off when you press the red button

Have a look at this may help link

wilkingj - 10/12/09 at 01:46 PM

Is the motor single or three phase?
As the wiring is different.

Also dont play with 3 phase unless you really know what you are doing.
Single phase is bad enough, but 3 phase will Kill you.

Consult a suitably qualified electrician if you are in any doubt.

Also if you get it wrong and cause a fire, your Home insurance Co will not be happy and could reduce the payout.