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Any TV engineers out there ?
Jon Ison - 21/3/10 at 06:48 PM

Becky, 7 going on 21 as just called me to fix the telly, "its all grey" She's watching probably here 1st ever black & white film, bless.

franky - 21/3/10 at 07:06 PM

is it a CRT monitor?

prawnabie - 21/3/10 at 07:06 PM

oh dear lol

r1_pete - 21/3/10 at 07:12 PM

Thats cheered me up no end.....

Worzey - 21/3/10 at 07:46 PM

Reminds me of what my 8 year old daughter said while watching a TV program about the "Frist Record you Bought".

"Dad, Whats a record?"

They know how to make you feel really old.

Puzzled - 21/3/10 at 09:20 PM

This works every time
1---- Lift up Rabbits Ears
2---- Give 3 short smacks to top of set
3---- Replace Rabbits Ears