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Cheap Way To Test Water
mid-buggy - 12/6/10 at 09:00 PM

Looking for a cheap way to test the ppm of water, anyone got recommendations?

Grimsdale - 12/6/10 at 09:25 PM

ppm of what in water? Merck do various test kits for some compounds, dissolved metals and the like the company i work for can do tests at about £15 ea.

alexg1965 - 12/6/10 at 09:38 PM

If you're trying to measure hardness, B&Q used to sell kits near where they sell water softeners

mid-buggy - 12/6/10 at 09:43 PM

nope, want to check the water to see if its 0ppm or what if its above that.

(its car related in a sense)

liam.mccaffrey - 12/6/10 at 10:13 PM

parts per million of what contained in water?
What is the substance you are testing the water for?

plentywahalla - 12/6/10 at 10:15 PM

If its dissolved solids you are after, you can get cheap TDS meters on ebay for about 20 quid.

Search under 'TDS meter'

mid-buggy - 12/6/10 at 10:36 PM

Originally posted by liam.mccaffrey
parts per million of what contained in water?
What is the substance you are testing the water for?

i just want to test the water to make sure its 0ppm, not testing for metal in the water or anything like that, just purity.

MakeEverything - 12/6/10 at 10:41 PM

Originally posted by mid-buggy
Originally posted by liam.mccaffrey
parts per million of what contained in water?
What is the substance you are testing the water for?

i just want to test the water to make sure its 0ppm, not testing for metal in the water or anything like that, just purity.

Ive got to agree with Liam on this.

When you test water, generally its either for bacteria, minerals or metal. PPM = Parts Per Million, which would be the measurement of whatever it is you are looking for, so what you said doesnt make sense until you enlighten us (or yourself) as to what it is you are measuring. Confused? - Leave it aone then!

Liam - 12/6/10 at 10:42 PM

Where's that facepalm smiley when you need it?

0ppm of what?

PPM means parts per million - you want to test whether your water has 0 parts of what per million parts of water? Lead, calcium, rat faeces, uranium...?

blakep82 - 12/6/10 at 10:52 PM

0ppm of water! he wants to make sure there's no water in his water presumably

liam.mccaffrey - 12/6/10 at 11:09 PM

What is it for, that would give us a clue.

[Edited on 12/6/10 by liam.mccaffrey]

dhutch - 12/6/10 at 11:32 PM


55ant - 13/6/10 at 12:11 AM

photometer and an adative to react with whatever your testing for. This is how we do it at swimming pools when testing chlorine (and various other) levels

mid-buggy - 13/6/10 at 09:05 AM

Its for the final rinse whilst washing cars, adding water to IPA etc etc

It just needs to be pure and I am looking at getting it from work (by the litre haha) and need to check that their water filter is still working properly and dosnt need the gel filter replacing.

Pure water dosnt leave water spots behind which are caused by mineral deposits within normal drinking water.

Sad I know, but 1 of the cars I clean is a rare prototype and needs to look stunning all the time

JoelP - 13/6/10 at 09:41 AM

our window cleaner uses purified water so he doesnt have to wipe off. Has a set of filters in the van that sort it overnight.

One test for impurities is to let it evaporate off a piece of glass and see what gets left behind!

britishtrident - 13/6/10 at 09:42 AM

Looks like its is TDS you want to measure windows cleaners use them these days ------ ebay is your best option search on TDS meter you should find something under 20 squid. Beware Honk Kong/China ebay sellers they can take weeks to deliver.