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Who heard the big bang then?
stevec - 12/4/12 at 06:23 PM

Big bang in the midlands and other areas about 6.10 this evening.
What was it then?

iank - 12/4/12 at 06:26 PM

Seems pretty widespread but no-one is saying yet.

And now, as below it was a Typhoon, the beeb haven't changed the link

[Edited on 12/4/12 by iank]

tomgregory2000 - 12/4/12 at 06:32 PM

ive been hearing big bangs all day, they had a flash just before them though

snapper - 12/4/12 at 06:40 PM

Typhoon sonic boom, responding to helicopter emergency transmission
The transmission was sent in error.

steve m - 12/4/12 at 06:41 PM

A sonic boom can not be descibed as a big bang!

jack_t - 12/4/12 at 06:41 PM

i heard a sonic boom overhead stafford today at about 14:00-14:15

stevec - 12/4/12 at 06:45 PM

Originally posted by steve m
A sonic boom can not be descibed as a big bang!

Nitpicker.It was a big bang in my conservatory, shook the roof aswell.

[Edited on 12/4/12 by stevec]

eznfrank - 12/4/12 at 07:00 PM

some very odd aerial goings on today, there was a very low flying AWACS plane circling above Leeds today at around 12-2 ish

jabs - 12/4/12 at 07:04 PM

I think there are some exercises going on today, mostly over the north sea

eznfrank - 12/4/12 at 07:10 PM

It was a bit odd, it was very low much lower than those approaching LBA and was on roughly the same flight path, i was thinking he'd be struggling landing something that big at Leeds, but then about half an hour later he was back. Saw some pretty odd military helicopters buzzing around Leeds very very low a few weeks ago too

Dave Ashurst - 12/4/12 at 07:12 PM

Big thumping bang, sounded like a bomb nearby. It had me out of the house pretty quick...

Dave Ashurst - 12/4/12 at 07:18 PM

Originally posted by eznfrank
It was a bit odd, it was very low much lower than those approaching LBA and was on roughly the same flight path, i was thinking he'd be struggling landing something that big at Leeds, but then about half an hour later he was back. Saw some pretty odd military helicopters buzzing around Leeds very very low a few weeks ago too

Display of Olympics high security excercises I suspect.

myke pocock - 12/4/12 at 07:37 PM

Apparently theres a joint Anglo/Frog exercise due to take place from RAF Leeming next week and theres been some practicing going on today. Cant see why you have to practice for an exercise though!!!

snippy - 12/4/12 at 07:40 PM

I heard it too, thought at first it was thunder as it had forecast storms but it was a rather odd thunder clap if so! Coincidentally immediately after the bang (within 1 second) I heard a jet fly overhead but couldn`t see it. This was South side of Leicester.

JoelP - 12/4/12 at 07:47 PM

Originally posted by eznfrank
It was a bit odd, it was very low much lower than those approaching LBA and was on roughly the same flight path, i was thinking he'd be struggling landing something that big at Leeds, but then about half an hour later he was back. Saw some pretty odd military helicopters buzzing around Leeds very very low a few weeks ago too

Shame i didnt get to work today, was meant to be at a house right on the landing path.

David Jenkins - 12/4/12 at 07:49 PM

The official explanation

paulf - 12/4/12 at 08:41 PM

So why would a typhoon need to attend to a civilian helicopter emergency radio signal? if there was a problem there would be nothing it could do to help a helicopter land and helicopters are able to land in nearly any location so would not need an escort .

greed1 - 12/4/12 at 08:50 PM

It got me out from under the car very quick

jerryscales - 12/4/12 at 08:51 PM

Originally posted by stevec
Big bang in the midlands and other areas about 6.10 this evening.
What was it then?

Just an old Harley with a missfire probably.

hillbillyracer - 12/4/12 at 10:03 PM

Whether there was any real need or not, given authorization to do that in a something like a Typhoon would you miss the oppertunity?!
I live & work not far from Spadeadam where the Blue Streak rocket engines were tested & Advantica test blast stuff all the time up there, there's quite a few blasts that rattle windows etc. There was a really big one about a month back later in the day than usual & did wonder if it was a sonic boom from a jet on a training mission connected to the RAF base.

jollygreengiant - 12/4/12 at 10:53 PM

I was asleep.

foskid - 13/4/12 at 03:22 AM

we can all sleep easy in our beds tonight QRA is alive and alert, heaven knows, this country needs lerts

snapper - 13/4/12 at 05:27 AM

There a lot of exercising going on as regards the Olympics
The security build up is mahoosive.

sdh2903 - 13/4/12 at 06:11 AM

Originally posted by paulf
So why would a typhoon need to attend to a civilian helicopter emergency radio signal? if there was a problem there would be nothing it could do to help a helicopter land and helicopters are able to land in nearly any location so would not need an escort .

Depends on what the helicopter transponder was transmitting, there are particular codes the pilot can transmit for help without anyone in the flightdeck knowing. There are codes for hijacking, medical emergency etc. So I guess they sent the big boys out for a look just incase the helicopter started to head for any major buildings etc a la 9/11. I'm guessing they wouldnt have been there to help it land in one piece if they had confirmed a terrorist on board

Think we will see a fair bit of aerial military action this summer with the olympics

snapper - 13/4/12 at 06:24 AM

As the story developes I feel the Helicopter sending a distress message is a distraction from what is in reality an airspace security response exercise.
How come the AWACS was up??
How come there was a lot of action over the North Sea??
I suspect it was a well planned Olympic airspace exercise

Just a minute there's a knock on the door!!

There's a. An outside with blacked out windows!!!


Daddylonglegs - 13/4/12 at 06:38 AM

Deny everything snapper!!

mr_pr - 13/4/12 at 06:53 AM

The Typhoon was likely to be on an exercise when the squawk from the rotary a/c was transmitted, hence why they were initially involved with the other a/c.

With regards to the emergency signal, a/c fitted with a transponder can squawk different codes, the emergency ones are...

7700 - Emergency
7600 - Lost Comms
7500 - Unlawful interference (Hijacking)

Assuming he squawked 7500 the reason for diverting the Typhoon makes sense. Pilot must have been quite embarrassed though!

scudderfish - 13/4/12 at 08:04 AM

What assistance could it render other than some 27mm cannon shells?

jollygreengiant - 13/4/12 at 09:12 AM

Originally posted by scudderfish
What assistance could it render other than some 27mm cannon shells?

As I understand it, they couldn't contribute even those as our beloved leaders ordered the Typhoons without the guns, as a cost saving device. However it was found that removal of the guns rendered them un-fly-able despite the smart control computers. So, the guns were fitted without the firing pins/mechanism so the centre of gravity remained as programmed.

At least that was what I heard/read.

sdh2903 - 13/4/12 at 09:38 AM

Guns? who needs guns?

britishtrident - 13/4/12 at 09:54 AM

Sonic booms are quite distinctive sound boom-boom used to hear them quite regularly when Concorde was doing it's test flights up and down the west coast.

britishtrident - 13/4/12 at 09:59 AM

At least responding to distress squawk makes a change from attending a diesel spill, only surprised he didn't fly through tower bridge en-route.

scudderfish - 13/4/12 at 01:50 PM

ETA, you can here an interview with the pilot here

[Edited on 13/4/12 by scudderfish]

sdh2903 - 13/4/12 at 02:44 PM

Superb! wonder how many raf fast jet pilots would love to do that!

MikeRJ - 13/4/12 at 02:52 PM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
The official explanation

That's just what they want you to believe

woodster - 14/4/12 at 02:32 PM

According to that quality paper The SUn it was a UFO which was sock shaped .... Although I think it was more knob shaped !!!!