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Submerged my IPhone in water - but it's fine!
Chaz - 31/7/12 at 07:22 AM

Well done Apple you have now completely impressed me!

After bathing my son I was clearing up his bath toys when my iPhone slipped out my top pocket into the water. Was fully submerged for 2-3 seconds before I rescued it. I heard an electrical buzz that went through the water!! Took it out and shook it - lots of water came out. Left it to dry out about 8 hours and now it works perfectly!

I'm posting this topic from my IPhone!

Happy days

stevegough - 31/7/12 at 07:34 AM

Wife dropped her Nokia XperssMusic down the toilet. I retrieved it a couple of mins later - it didn't work, stripped it down into about 12 pieces, dried each bit, re-assembled it - it worked......

.....for about 3 months, then it suddenly died permanently

So - don't count your chickens!

Xtreme Kermit - 31/7/12 at 07:35 AM

That's a result, let's hope it stays that way. Airing cupboard and bags of rice are good for drying wet phones.

balidey - 31/7/12 at 07:38 AM

Sounds like a lucky escape.
One thing to bare in mind, I am told there are 'water detectors' inside the phone, so if you intend to sell it on at some point, this is a visible sign its been wet so it could harm your resale value.

Jon Ison - 31/7/12 at 07:44 AM

Swimbo's iPhone failed the left in pocket and put in washing machine test, guess that was a little more rigorous

scudderfish - 31/7/12 at 07:53 AM

Originally posted by balidey
Sounds like a lucky escape.
One thing to bare in mind, I am told there are 'water detectors' inside the phone, so if you intend to sell it on at some point, this is a visible sign its been wet so it could harm your resale value.

It also means that you are basically screwed if you have to take it back for repair now, even if it isn't related to it being dunked.

GOJO - 31/7/12 at 08:00 AM

I would put it in some rice to pull any moisture from it electrical circuits usually fail when the moisture has corroded the circuit no when there just wet could be fine but it could be a fiew days before you notice a fault

jossey - 31/7/12 at 08:24 AM

Anyone seen them bags on gadget show which dry your phone out .....

I think I want one of them... They worked well.

Omg I'm bored...

Benzine - 31/7/12 at 09:54 AM

did you retrieve the phone by Apple bobbing? *dun dun ttttsssss*

britishtrident - 31/7/12 at 10:49 AM

Originally posted by GOJO
I would put it in some rice to pull any moisture from it electrical circuits usually fail when the moisture has corroded the circuit no when there just wet could be fine but it could be a fiew days before you notice a fault


twybrow - 31/7/12 at 12:51 PM

the last phoen I dropped in water, worked fine straight afterwards. then a couple fo weeks later developed a minor fault, and then 3 months later packed up completely. It will have done damage - the question is when it shows itself!