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I'm a lucky idiot
JeffHs - 10/3/15 at 06:12 PM

Had a fire in the garage today. Almost a disaster but averted just in time. I was welding some 10 mm bar for garden structures, took one down the garden and installed it when my wife suggested we break for lunch. As we walked back to the house I saw smoke pouring from the garage.
I had been working on top of my circular saw table with a block board cover to protect it but a stray spark had set fire to the old polycotton sheet covering the saw, set fire to the cardboard underneath it and the block board and the wooden saw table were well alight. The plastic cover over my 2CV special was on fire and pouring molten gobs onto the floor. Several blasts from my CO2 extinguisher got things under control, so no great damage beyond replacing the welder mains cable (melted) and lots of charred woodwork. (the dozens of tins of paint, 20 litres of thinners, several cans of white spirit not to mention tons of sawdust and a car with petrol in the tank were not involved).
Lots of lessons to learn!
Take care out there.

theduck - 10/3/15 at 06:20 PM

Very lucky and a reminder that we shkukd all have an extinguisher handy!

snapper - 10/3/15 at 06:25 PM

Fire extinguisher and a metal cabinet for the flammibles

PSpirine - 10/3/15 at 07:22 PM

I climbed up to the loft in the garage the other day, proceeded to knock over a seat cushion, which fell down onto my fire extinguisher, knocking it against the floor and setting it off, covering the entire garage in CO2 powder.

I couldn't even come down to stop it as it was just spraying everywhere!

Put out a fire before there even was one.. it'll be a long day cleaning!

Glad yours wasn't serious OP

Wadders - 10/3/15 at 07:26 PM

Lucky....once had a similar scary incident in my parents single garage which resulted in the attendance of two fire engines, one

charred and destroyed escort van and a very red face, managed to shove the thing out of the garage before the fire

really took hold otherwise it would have been a lot worse.....needless to say my garage has several fire extinguishers dotted


Take care peeps, fire in garages is BAD

RichieW - 10/3/15 at 09:21 PM

I keep my oil and other flammables in a garden tidy outside the garage. Doesn't seem to do them any harm. Leaves me a little more room in a cramped garage too.

turbodisplay - 10/3/15 at 09:39 PM

I normally have a cool down period of an hour or more after welding grinding etc. Then make sure there is noting smoldering before leaving garage.
Regarding near missed I've had a few, as long as you learn then at least that is one positive!


ctwv50 - 10/3/15 at 10:10 PM

I once set fire to the flannel shirt I was wearing with grinding sparks, oh and the bin when welding. And building foam when I was plumbing. That stuff should be illegal!

DIY Si - 10/3/15 at 11:10 PM

My 2 year old son saved me from possibly burning my new workshop down! I'd been using a foam packing pad from work to kneel on when I was welding under the car, when he wanted me to go play outside. I turned round a minute or so later to see him pointing and saying Fireman Sam to the garage. I walk in to see nothing, until he pointed under the car at the pad on fire and the garage starting to fill with smoke. I couldn't see the flames from the door at all! I don't think anything much could have happened with the shell being bare and in the middle of the bare floor, but you never know!

whitestu - 11/3/15 at 08:33 AM

I've certainly had a few close shaves over the years

Mr Whippy - 11/3/15 at 12:55 PM

yeah dust sheets over cars are something else when they light up, not a good idea to weld next to, also had a hot air gun fall of a car and get knocked on as I left, only just heard the motor running as I closed the garage door.

These days I switch off the power to the garage when I leave to insure nothing is running or could come on when I'm not there, does make me jump if I have left the compressor on though.

ctwv50 - 11/3/15 at 01:07 PM

I have a security alarm in my garage connected to a dialer which calls me if it goes off. I've just bought a mains fire alarm which I can hook up to the dialer so if it goes off it calls me too. I'm not paranoid at all! I couldn't bare it if 5 years of work got nicked or went up in smoke.

[Edited on 11/3/15 by ctwv50]

Norfolkluegojnr - 11/3/15 at 01:38 PM

won't bore you with mine, but a substantial fuel leak on the mini (unnoticed) coupled with a spark gave me the scariest 10 second of my life. Incredible how quickly petrol catches and how hot it gets VERY quickly.

Managed to he-man the car out of the garage, actually pushing it off axle stands, to access the fire extinguisher, which was stupidly positioned at the door end.

no damage except my pride, and a few dents on the underside of the car, but genuinely thought my number was up. Suffice to say i'm a lot more careful these days.

Angel Acevedo - 11/3/15 at 03:47 PM

Originally posted by PSpirine

clipped..... covering the entire garage in CO2 powder. clipped......

I think you mean Dry Chemical Powder...
As CO2 sublimates and leaves no residue...

Pojo - 11/3/15 at 03:53 PM

good reminder. just bought a new fire extinguisher, old one was 20 year old BCF, no charge left. Glad there was no long term damage.

steve m - 11/3/15 at 05:11 PM

Glad it all ended fairly well, I also had a garage fire (single garage attached to my house) and caused 20k worth of clean up , and my 7 was in the garage, but incredibly unscathed, as I had it covered in old duvets, that have some fire retardant in them

It was the most scariest moment of my life, second was coming off a motorbike at 110Mph on a duel carriage way bend in 1979!


The Black Flash - 11/3/15 at 11:33 PM

Scary! Glad you stopped it OP.
I've managed to set the bin alight while welding, but the one which really surprised me was a big ball of wire wool. Some sparks from the angle grinder hit it, turned around and the wire is burning red hot. I did not expect that!

tegwin - 11/3/15 at 11:37 PM

Not on the same scale but I set fire to my crotch one day using an angle grinder.... Wondered why my bapps felt sweaty, looked down and my trousers were on fire... Burned a hole in the trousers and a matching hole in my pants..... Couldn't get rid of the stench of burnt hair for ages!!