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Alternative to iPod
donut - 15/3/07 at 08:03 AM

Looks like my iPod has given up the ghost so thats going back!!

Anyhoo i was wondering what would be a good alternative to the 30gig video iPod.

Any thoughts...

imp paul - 15/3/07 at 08:12 AM

top stuff very good sound hope this helps

pdw709 - 15/3/07 at 09:21 AM

I've always been a big fan of the archos products.

I'm on to my 2nd generation product and its great. Far cheaper/bigger memory than equivent IPod and, importantly for me, you are not tied into ITunes. Its also not as ubiquitous, which in my mind makes it a winner!


donut - 15/3/07 at 09:27 AM

To be honest i'm not fussed about video at all but want at least 30Gig.

I was thinking Creative as they seem to be the most popular therefore most support and add ons.

G.Man - 15/3/07 at 10:11 AM

Having owned both Creative and Apple

I am sticking with my ipod...

Get a new 6g ipod 30gig..

My Zen was constantly locking up it drove me nuts.. Had to do hard reset all the time because the controls stopped working and couldnt turn it off...

Ipod's arent perfect, but they are by far the best of the bunch...

02GF74 - 15/3/07 at 10:24 AM

I'd recommend one of these:

but it doesn;t meet your 30 GB requirement having only 20 GB.

The later motdels support mp3, my one only deos ATRAC

Tralfaz - 15/3/07 at 10:41 AM

Forget Itunes. I spent the $25 and got Anapod explorer.


Benzine - 15/3/07 at 10:47 AM

Cowon ftw

Lurch88 - 15/3/07 at 11:01 AM

I was chatting to the van driver who came to pick up my wifes ipod ,for the second time(Bought a creative Zen now the ipod has died)
and he said that ipods were lasting between 3-6 months on average!

Style over substance?

I do wonder if the technology has been perfected yet?

jimgiblett - 15/3/07 at 11:16 AM

Originally posted by Lurch88
and he said that ipods were lasting between 3-6 months on average!

I must have been lucky my ebay source 30GB Ipod has been fine for over 2yrs. Not sure whether the battery life shouldn't be better but it hasnt worsened.

- Jim

donut - 15/3/07 at 11:35 AM

Originally posted by Lurch88
I was chatting to the van driver who came to pick up my wifes ipod ,for the second time(Bought a creative Zen now the ipod has died)
and he said that ipods were lasting between 3-6 months on average!

Style over substance?

I do wonder if the technology has been perfected yet?
I have heard this and as my brother once said, "People buy them because they look cool"

I think i'm going to go for a Creative zen 30Gig jobby!

Tralfaz - 15/3/07 at 11:39 AM

We have had 3 of the traditional types 1st lasted 2 years in an abusive environment and the other two are at least that old, though one doesn't charge well anymore so is dedicated to plug in car use.


James - 15/3/07 at 11:43 AM

Originally posted by donut
Looks like my iPod has given up the ghost so thats going back!!

Using it so much down the gym and when out running and stuff has probably damaged it....

donut - 15/3/07 at 12:17 PM

That's right James, i mean all that exercise can't do it much good eh! We can't all look Buff without something having to suffer.

Oh the woe's of being a stud muffin

davie dickson - 15/3/07 at 12:20 PM

I got a 20gig Creative Zen Micro from Hong kong via ebay. Its slightly bigger than the uk zen micro (6gig) and it has been an absolute champion.
Never failed, been dropped a few times with no damage, not scratched and the battery life is way better than any of my friends Ipods.
I had it on shuffle for about 4 hours yesterday and its still got plenty juice left this morning.

trogdor - 15/3/07 at 12:42 PM

i still love my mini disk player, its battery will last for about 80 hours which is bloody brill! admittally it isnt as cool as an ipod etc but if i had one of those i would only worry about it.

James - 15/3/07 at 01:11 PM

Originally posted by trogdor
i still love my mini disk player, its battery will last for about 80 hours which is bloody brill! admittally it isnt as cool as an ipod etc but if i had one of those i would only worry about it.

My MD player cost something daft like £250 on my 21st b'day so I guess it's nearly 8 years old now. It's still the coolest piece of anodised ali' that I own!

greggors84 - 15/3/07 at 01:38 PM

I've got a 30gb Video ipod and havent had any problems with it after about a year. My brother has had a 2nd gen one since they came out and no probs with that except the battery life has started to go down. Which isnt bad after so many years and they can be replaced.

I tried alot of other mp3 players, the new sony one and the philips one mainly. But none of them are as easy to use as the Ipod. The interface looks so good and is so easy to use. I found the others a bit hard to find tracks, the scroll wheel really helps too.

Jasper - 15/3/07 at 03:27 PM

Dad has a Creative - don't like it and the software is horrible. Much prefer the functionality of my iPod. Nothing to do with style - just easier and nicer to use.

I would buy another one if this gives up.