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B&Q Self Service Checkout's
Rek - 28/1/08 at 01:30 PM

Why O Lord Why.

Our local B&Q now has four self service till's. Stupid me only tried to use one today for the first time to buy a new drill and bits.. I wondered why the two manned tills had queues on them and the self service ones were empty. the Bit's were not heavy enough to make the "bagging Area" realise youd put em in the bag and then the curtain pole the missus put in fell over the back of the till then on the way out the drill sets off an alarm as there was a tag which I spose the check out person would have removed!!!! I assumed they saved money by not employing a checkout person.

My son say's the kids at his school love the self service machines in tesco's. calling them shoplifter assisters!!!

sitting at home now feeling pathetic and old becuase technology defeated me....

ditchlewis - 28/1/08 at 01:38 PM

they have them in Asda and i've not had good experiences there either now i just avoid them at least with a check out assistant you have some one to abuse when it all does not scan


DarrenW - 28/1/08 at 03:52 PM

Same here ref Asdas. Id rather wait in a 10 minute queue then self serve. Have you tried putting alcohol through them? You still need the assistant to check birth certificate, passport, PNC etc first. And of course the tag need to be taken off.

wyatt - 28/1/08 at 04:32 PM

I think self service is cool you dont have to wait for the old bugger in front of you to count out £10.58 in change for her shopping!!!!!!!!!

I know I will be old one day

JoelP - 28/1/08 at 07:25 PM

i like it too. theres a knack of banging light things down so it registers them in the bag.