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Don't forget, tomorrow is "Talk Like a Pirate Day"
Guinness - 18/9/08 at 03:48 PM



Mr Whippy - 18/9/08 at 04:33 PM

shiver me timbers that be a jolly plan arrr me heartys

cossiebri - 18/9/08 at 06:08 PM

(my son's favorite joke)
Why are pirates called pirates?
(in your best pirate voice) They just arrrre!

Macbeast - 18/9/08 at 06:37 PM

" You're listening to Radio Caroline .... "

Litemoth - 18/9/08 at 08:14 PM

Aaaaaaarrrrrh, Thart be a Grhaaand oidea laaaaahd. I hope ye not be loying to theee else ye be walking the plank see

David Jenkins - 18/9/08 at 08:31 PM

Originally posted by Litemoth
Aaaaaaarrrrrh, Thart be a Grhaaand oidea laaaaahd. I hope ye not be loying to theee else ye be walking the plank see

Ahah - a Suffolk pirate!

DarrenW - 18/9/08 at 08:59 PM

Arrrrrr yer arrrrrreeeet me harrrrrrrties- Geordie pirate!

JEPY - 18/9/08 at 09:14 PM

If you live in Brixham (Devon) you get to do that every Thursday!!!

And cossiebri - that's still one of my fave jokes! Drives the missus mad tho!

DarrenW - 19/9/08 at 03:30 PM

arrr arrr me harties - hope yer arrrllll tarking like pirates!

pieces of eight and all that!

907 - 19/9/08 at 07:06 PM

Arrrrrgh, Jim lad.

As the sun rises above the yard arm Oi WILL be walking the plank.

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Tis a terrible thing Oi doo
(if you have seen my painting you'll know what I mean)

Paul G